Senior Sendoff: Bailey Bujnosek

Senior Sendoff: Bailey Bujnosek
Image by Millie Root for The UCSD Guardian

I joined The UCSD Guardian in January of my freshman year, when the university was still operating remotely because of the pandemic. Even though those early Arts & Entertainment section meetings were held over Zoom, I felt a sense of community right away. The ridiculous icebreakers, much-needed reality TV recs, and everyone’s shared passion for journalism made distance learning feel a little less distant. 

Working on the paper for the last couple of years has been one of the best parts of my time at UCSD. From getting to have our cute section dinner at BJ’s and meeting my sorority little to attending local film festivals and doing red-carpet reporting in Los Angeles, I can’t imagine my college experience without The Guardian. My favorite A&E article has to be 2023’s Valentine’s Day Rizz-o-Meter, a hilarious quiz everyone worked on together.

I’ll miss all the amazing, creative people I met. I’ll miss seeing everyone’s stories in print. I’ll even miss the Ron Burgundy cutout that haunts the office. UCSD was so big and overwhelming at first, but the paper and the people that worked on it made campus feel like home. Forever grateful for my Guardian fam.

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About the Contributors
Bailey Bujnosek
Bailey Bujnosek, Senior Staff Writer
Bailey is a fourth-year English literature and psychology double-major who watches too much reality tv. She likes listening to Mitski, Ricky Montgomery, & Fiona Apple. Her favorite movie is “Whiplash,” the “Black Swan” of jazz drumming.
Millie Root
Millie Root, Photo Editor
Millie loves the way light reflects off bus windows, artisenal teas, and community co-ops. Join Millie on the journey of a lifetime to tell important stories with amazing photographs.
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  • C

    CeciliaJun 4, 2024 at 4:53 pm

    So proud of you Bailey! Love ❤️ mom!
