Senior Sendoff: Ava Beisenstein

Senior Sendoff: Ava Beisenstein
Image by Keita Kobayashi for The UCSD Guardian

Throughout my three years at UCSD, serving as the Marketing Director at The Guardian has easily been one of the most rewarding experiences. Student journalism has always had a special place in my heart, and I immediately felt at home with The Guardian. 

I feel honored to have had the opportunity to share the Guardian’s articles, art, and photos with the world. It’s been a privilege to have worked with some of the most talented and creative people I have ever met which made my job easy. Creating social media posts for each Guardian article offered me a behind the scenes glimpse that deepened my appreciation for every section, writer, and subject. 

After another “unprecedented” school year, the need for student journalism has never been more clear. Reporting on UCSD’s Gaza Solidarity Encampment has been a highlight of my time with The Guardian, and only underscores the importance of student journalism. Independent student papers like The Guardian are the backbone of campus communities and play a critical role in amplifying student voices. 

The Guardian has a legacy dedicated to student voice decades in the making, and I can not wait to see what next school year’s Marketing team and entire staff accomplish next. 

Signing off, 


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About the Contributors
Ava Beisenstein
Ava Beisenstein, Marketing Director
When Ava isn't writing niche papers on ancient archaeology or marine life, you can find her throwing frisbees or eating cheese curds. Voted "Most Likely to Fall Asleep in Class and Still Get an A" in high school yearbook.
Keita Kobayashi
Keita Kobayashi, Photo Editor
Photo team, best team (W.I.P)
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