The meeting began with a call for Public Input, which meant a considerable amount of confused glances in my direction. Thanks for drawing attention to me Perez … I appreciate the wave though. It’s good to know someone’s glad I’m here.
During Reports of Members, AVP Sierra Donaldson pointed out that it’s Earth Week. In honor of sustainability, someone should really tell UCSD to turn the sprinklers off; grass should be brown during a drought after all.
AVP Student Advocacy Ryan Huyler brought up the changes to the Sun God Festival this year. If a student gets in trouble in the days leading up to the festival, they won’t be allowed into the event. Huyler subsequently advised against going to detox on Sun God weekend. I would advise against winding up in detox under any circumstance, but that’s just me.
Drama ensued during Reports of the Legislative Committee when L2, an amendment to part of A.S. Council’s Standing Rules — specifically Title VI Chapter 7 — was approved. That particular section is concerned with non-voting membership of council, and L2 placed constraints on over half of the members listed, allowing them to participate only in question time, member reports and special presentations. After an objection, Council voted on whether to pull the legislation from committee. The vote failed and A.S. council moved into Open Forum. Shortly thereafter, AVP Donaldson expressed discomfort with fast tracking the legislation by discussing L2 in the Legislative Committee rather than the full Council and left in tears.
Transfer Senator Brad Knutsen retorted, “We didn’t discuss this in the Legislative Committee.” He later commented that as a member of the Legislative Committee, he had no faith in it.
After a period of heated back and forth debate, council members voted to reconsider pulling L2 from the Legislative Committee. The motion passed by a vote of 18–4–2, after which President Boparai suggested that Council should table the legislation, end the meeting and go support Take Back the Night 2015.
Later on in the meeting, Muir Senator Brianne Logasa apologized for the issue with L2. ACCB President Ryan Perez lightened the mood by commending council members for their presence on such a contentious night.
“You’re all soldiers in my eyes; we’re all in the trenches together,” Perez commented.