Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom visited campus Thursday to campaign for Congressman Scott Peters in an event hosted by Tritons for Peters.

Newsom primarily discussed financial aid and student loans in a brief address in front of students at Geisel’s Silent Tree sculpture. Congressman Peters, a Democrat, also spoke, highlighting the close congressional race for the 52nd District against Republican rival Carl DeMaio.
Newsom also served as a guest speaker in Professor Nathan Fletcher’s POLI 102G class.
Liz Welch • Oct 10, 2014 at 6:20 am
Yeah, don't mention his opponent Ron Nehring was also present.
Alex • Oct 9, 2014 at 8:20 pm
It is extremely disturbing that UCSD Guardian did not report that Gavin Newsom’s opponent for the Lt. Gov’s race Ron Nehring was on campus and speaking to a group of 30 students 20 yards away from this event. How more openly biased can a paper get? Withholding information is a form of censorship.
Guardian Staff • Oct 9, 2014 at 10:12 pm
Hi Alex,
To clarify, representatives from Tritons for Peters reached out to us this afternoon regarding the Lieutenant Governor’s visit, and we worked with them to provide coverage.
We would be thrilled if you (or whoever hosted Mr. Nehring) would also contact us regarding events like this in the future. While our reporters are careful to watch for major happenings on campus, we’ve gotten some of our best stories from student input.
For story ideas or further questions, please email [email protected] or [email protected].
Thank you for your comment,
Aleksandra Konstantinovic, Multimedia Editor