Thursday, Oct. 3
11:10 p.m.: Injury
▶A female subject fell out of bed due to excessive consumption of alcohol, causing a small laceration to her head. Transported to hospital.
Friday, Oct. 4
1:26 a.m.: Noise Disturbance
▶Noise Disturbance
Student reported a group of people yelling and playing with lightsabers in Frankfurter Hall. Field interview administered.
12:58 p.m.: Animal Call
▶Noise Disturbance
Subjects at the Student Services Center reported a swarm of bees between the Cashier’s office and the Multipurpose Room. Referred to other agency — EH&S.
11:14 p.m.: Disturbance Fight
▶Police arrested an intoxicated male attempting to fight with other people in the parking lot. Closed by adult arrest.
Saturday, Oct, 5
4:46 a.m.: Welfare Check
▶A male subject was found vomiting and urinating in bushes near the Del Sol Leasing Office. Transported to detox.
10:28 a.m.: Medical Aid
▶A young adult female with asthma was having trouble breathing. Transported to hospital. Closed by adult arrest.
Sunday, Oct. 6
12:09 a.m.: Assist Other Agency
▶Assist Other Agency
A young adult male reported being lost and stuck in a tree. Unable to locate.
1:11 a.m.: Drunk in Public
▶Subjects found an intoxicated female in Tioga Hall, unable to identify her or where she lives. Checks OK.
Monday, Oct. 7
12:06 a.m.: Medical Attempt
▶An adult female fell and hit her head in the Liebow Auditorium. Transported to hospital.
1:50 p.m.: Disturbance
▶The reporting party believed his ex-girlfriend was stalking him. Report taken.
Tuesday, Oct. 8
5:23 a.m.: Trespass
▶The subject was having difficulty breathing and was experiencing chest pains. Checks OK.
6:32 a.m.: Medical Aid
▶A young adult female had an allergic reaction to her medication. Transported to hospital.
Wednesday, Oct. 9
4:49 a.m.: Noise Disturbance
▶A large group of sorority girls were being loud and causing a fire hazard in the Cross Cultural Center. Will cooperate.
6:32 a.m.: Disturbance, Argument
▶A transient was arguing and banging on furniture in RIMAC. Unable to locate.