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Spring Election to Include $11 UCEN Referendum


Students will vote on University Centers’ referendum to increase student fees by $11 per quarter. Voting will take place this week alongside elections for A.S. Council and college council positions.

If passed, the resolution will dedicate money to reopening the Crafts Center as well as the general maintenance of Price Center and Student Center. 

The referendum was first introduced Fall Quarter 2012 as part of UCEN’s initiative to reduce its deficit. UCEN conducted a survey to determine the amount in fee increases that would be most palatable to students, with both graduate and undergraduate students prefer a $13 fee increase.

A series of back-and-forth revisions between A.S. Council and the Graduate Student Association initially suggested that the referendum would not make it to the spring ballot. However, both student organizations managed to send the measure to the University of California Office of the President for approval.

The total fee increase is $11 with a yearly CPI adjustment of up to 3 percent, bringing student fees to $87.50 per quarter. Currently, each student pays $76.50.

Students will also vote for A.S. Council and college council candidates from five slates: One Voice, United, Flow With The Feng, Triton’s Choice, and Keep it Real. Open A.S. Council positions include president, three vice presidential spots, as well as a variety of senatorial positions.

Current A.S. President Meggie Le expressed her enthusiasm for the spring elections. 

“Personally, the position I’m invested in most is the A.S. President position, because I’ll be transitioning that person for the next year,” she said. “There are definitely some quality candidates, and I’m excited to see how this year’s elections will turn out.”

The candidates for president include Meena Kaushik of United, Courtney Hill of Triton’s Choice, Sammy Chang of One Voice, Andy Buselt of Keep it Real, and Caeser Feng of FLOW with the FENG.

Kaushik expressed her slate’s interest in increasing student services, including extending A.S. Safe Rides to Week 10 and finals week for students who stay late on campus.

Hill’s Triton’s Choice advocates a practical approach to improving student life, such as exploring a variety of transportation options before coming to a decision.

Buselt plans to address the transportation issue in part by implementing bike paths around campus as part of a platform that emphasizes sustainability.

The candidates on Chang’s One Voice slate rejected their stipends in favor of putting the funds back into the A.S. Council budget. 

Feng’s FLOW with the FENG slate drew on diversity by pulling students in leadership positions from around campus to run for A.S. Council positions. 

The elections will take place April 8 to April 12 on TritonLink, with a result announced on Friday, April 12.

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