“It tastes good, I made it,” AVP College Affairs Leonard Bobbitt said about one of the pies presented to council by a member of the public.
Council was then addressed by Volunteer Connection, an organization that oversees five programs with the goal of providing innovative volunteer opportunities for UCSD students. The organization has grown from 75 to 937 weekly contacts at UCSD from last year.
UCSD Mock Trial addressed council to ask for financing to fly to Minnesota for nationals. This is the first time UCSD has ever made it to mock trial’s national competition. They were granted $4050 in funding as an underwrite, or interest-free loan that needs to be repaid by June 30.
The Office of Finance addressed council to discuss some of its current projects.
“I help [VP Finance and Resources] Kevin [Hoang] with whatever he needs, whether it’s sending an email or getting him coffee or being his friend,” Office of Finance Chief of Staff Bryan Cassella said.
After this presentation, council took a three-minute recess to serve and eat the aforementioned pie.
Council came back into session to hear another special presentation from the Office of External Affairs, who discussed the Fund the UC campaign, a three-step program including tax initiatives, a middle-class scholarship bill and a reform of Prop. 13.
Prop 13 allows government spending to pass with only half of legislators’ votes, but requires two-thirds to increase tax revenues.
The suggested reform would lower the two-thirds threshold for increasing tax revenues to one-half.
With a vote of 22-0-7, council confirmed the appointment of Brad Segal as campuswide senator.
Engineering Senator Parminder Sandhu presented a resolution honoring AVP of Academic Affairs Mac Zilber — who is graduating at the end of this quarter — as a lifelong member of ASUCSD. Zilber, who has been part of council for the past three years, was also given a signed copy of Oh! The Places You’ll Go by, who else, Dr. Seuss.
VP Student Life Meredith Madnick announced that sausage and fresh fruit will both be new food options at the A.S. Pancake Breakfast next Monday.
AVP of Student Services Leigh Mason strutted her stuff as last week’s Councilmember of the Week. I was given the prestigious honor for this week, and I high-fived and fist-bumped councilmembers wearing my new pink foam crown, as I will not be returning to write “New Business” next quarter. I’ll miss you too, council.