{becssg_c}0|AndrewOh.jpg||A sinkhole caused by a broken storm drain opened near Campus Point Drive on Thursday, Oct. 6. Andrew Oh/Guardian{/becssg_c}
{becssg_c}0|BrianMonroe.jpg|| Protesters gathered around City Hall last Friday, Oct. 7, for the “Occupy San Diego” movement in solidarity with NYC’s “Occupy Wall Street” movement. Brian Monroe/Guardian{/becssg_c}
{becssg_c}0|JavierArmstrong.jpg|| Protesters gathered around City Hall last Friday, Oct. 7, for the “Occupy San Diego” movement in solidarity with NYC’s “Occupy Wall Street” movement. Javier Armstrong/Guardian{/becssg_c}
{becssg_c}0|NolanThomas.jpg|| The UCSD Womens Volleyball team took the last of its three games, beating CSU San Marcos. Nolan Thomas/Guardian{/becssg_c}
{becssg_c}0|NolanThomas1.jpg|| Both the mens and womens cross country squads took home the team titles in the annual Triton Cross Country Invitational. Nolan Thomas/Guardian{/becssg_c}
{becssg_c}0|ReggieBallesteros.jpg|| Student longboards at Black’s Beach. Reggie Ballesteros/Guardian{/becssg_c}
{becssg_c}0|SaniyaHusain1.jpg||Protesters gathered around City Hall last Friday, Oct. 7, for the “Occupy San Diego” movement in solidarity with NYC’s “Occupy Wall Street” movement. Saniya Husain/Guardian {/becssg_c}