Following last week’s announcement that the Center for Library and Instructional Computing Services would close after finals, A.S. Council passed a resolution in support of reopening CLICS and launched a “Save Our Libraries” campaign.
“We decided to focus on CLICS because it is the library that affects undergraduate students the most,” A.S. President Alyssa Wing said. “If students commit, we could have a large bearing on this decision. Although the university librarian already announced the cuts, it doesn’t mean there isn’t room to negotiate.
According to Wing, A.S. Council has a two-fold approach against the closure of CLICS. In addition to the resolution it passed on May 25 in support of reopening CLICS, councilmembers are promoting the “Save Our Libraries” Facebook event — launched on May 28 — which asks students to digitally sign a letter regarding the libraries and email it to Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Suresh Subramani. Students are encouraged to CC their letters to Wing so councilmembers can track the responses. The campaign currently has 891 students attending and Wing said approximately 50 students have emailed Subramani and CC’ed her.
Wing said she intends to update students via a campus-wide email, Facebook and website updates, but said she is not in support of a possible referendum to transform CLICS into a student-run space.
“If A.S. came to students for fees, it opens up a lot of doors for the future of how A.S. is seen,” Wing said. “It’s a dangerous direction.”
Wing said that creating the position of vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion suggests that there is money to fund the libraries.
“If there is money to create a [new administrative] position, why are we closing down libraries?” Wing said.
A.S. Council plans to publicize the campaign through mass emails, flyers and at its quarterly pancake breakfast, Wing said.
“I just want to stress the importance of students to take the opportunity to voice their concerns with the situation,” Wing said. “If we mobilize students and get large student feedback, we’ll have the opportunity to be taken seriously with the administration.”
CLICS will close Friday, June 10 after finals, University Librarian Brian Schottlaender announced on Monday, May 23.