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Lights and Sirens (April 25, 2011)

Friday, April 15

12:11 p.m.: Citizen contact

? A possible transient and a large dog were seen living in a vehicle at Lot 702. Information only.

1:30 p.m.: Bicyclist stop

? A biker was stopped by the fountain at Library Walk. Written warning issued.

11:06 p.m.: Welfare check

? A male at Argo Hall passed out on the floor with vomit next to him. Report taken.

Saturday, April 16

3:19 a.m.: Gas/water/sewer leak

? There was a “strong odor of gas” at Warren Lecture Hall. Referred to other agency.

3:28 p.m.: Medical aid

? A 20-year-old male suffered a spinal injury on Warren Field. Referred to other agency.

4:05 p.m.: Disturbance, domestic violence

? A male was seen pushing his girlfriend at the Village. Arrest felony.

10: 59 p.m.: Alcohol use

? A group of 12 people were playing beer pong on the end of the field at Spanos Athletic Training Facility. Report taken.

Sunday, April 17

8:27 a.m.: Animal call

? A dead squirrel was found on the staircase at South Mesa Apartments. Referred to other agency.

1:39 p.m.: General disturbance

? A former resident of Regents side was using the pool and parking permit for residents and would not “give back pool or permit.” Information only.

6:28 p.m.: Suspicious person

? A male passed out next to a shopping cart surrounded by beer cans at Central Mesa Apartments. He had no weapons. Information only.

7:44 p.m.: Suspicious person

? A bald transient walked out of Pines without paying for the food. Field interview administered.

Monday, April 18

7:06 a.m.: Suspicious person

? A blond male knocked on the back window of the reporter’s house at North Mesa Apartments asking to be let in. He said he left his backpack inside, but the reporter had never seen him before. The subject then sat on the back porch, cried and refused to leave. Field interview administered.

10:06 a.m.: Animal call

? A suspect, possibly a student, left a dead squirrel on the roof of the resident dean’s car at the Village. Report taken.

Tuesday, April 19

2:54 p.m.: Suspicious person

? The subject was going around Leichtag Biomedical Building with blueprints, asking which labs did animal testing. Information only.

Wednesday, April 20

12:08 p.m.: Suspicious person

? The subject was carrying a “no skateboarding” sign into a Sixth College dorm room. Report taken.

7:17 p.m.: Possession of marijuana

? The RA on duty and an officer made contact with Sixth College students who “smelled only” of marijuana. Verbal warning issued.

Thursday, April 21

5:37 p.m.: Information

? Someone was launching rockets for about 30 hours at the Torrey Pines Gliderport on Torrey Pines Scenic Drive. Information only.

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