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Student Sustainability Gaining Momentum

Dear Editor,

As a student director for the Student Sustainability Collective at the new Sustainability Resource Center, I would like to inform the student body of the exciting new opportunities ahead of us as the SRC opens later this quarter.

As a result of the successful student activity fee referendum last Winter Quarter, we now have resources and funding to allow students to take an active role in making campus more sustainable.

The SSC helps empower students in two ways: by 1) uniting existing sustainability efforts on campus in order to foster community, networking and collaboration, and 2) providing the space and resources necessary to accelerate the growth of new efforts.

The SRC will become the one-stop location for students interested in social and environmental justice.

We are having our Sustainability Kick-Off on Friday, Oct. 9, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Student Services Complex Multipurpose Room, and this is an open invitation to everyone on campus to attend and take advantage of the resources in front of them.

Our Web site also has opportunities at

— Elizabeth Elman
Director, Student Sustainability

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