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Meho Plaza

Born from the barmy ruckus of the L.A. milieu is Meho Plaza, a threesome of self-dubbed “”dyslexic calculists”” that joins this year’s side-stage ranks. The city sounds of La-La Land – metal-on-asphalt, skyscraper bottlenecking – have undeniable influence on Plaza’s quirky air, an offbeat conglomerate of the Faint’s indie electro-beats and the peculiar sci-fi synth of 1980s anarchists Devo.

One of two things will happen once Meho Plaza takes the stage: Either the band’s hectic, multifaceted mimicry will further invigorate the riotous drunkenness of the Sun God crowd, or its indistinguishably scratchy syncopation will prove incomprehensible, bore everyone within earshot and give them the much-needed opportunity to pay homage to the porcelain god. Nonfans should watch out of sheer curiosity – will Meho Plaza’s performance antics measure up to the behavior of their impersonated ’80s predecessors? – as well as to soak up the oft-enjoyable dissonant chaos that is their music.

Boss ditties: “”I Sold My Organs,”” “”Let’s Play Police””

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