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Letters to the Editor

Safety Is Crucial During Sun God

Dear Editor:

The anticipation is over. Sun God 2006 has finally arrived!

The festival will take place on May 12. The daytime festival will encompass Library Walk, Sun God Lawn and Price Center Plaza, with the nighttime concert occupying RIMAC Field.

The event has continued to increase in size, attendance and festivities with more food, games and entertainment than ever before. This is a day to spend with friends as the school year comes to an end. We hope that all of our efforts up to and on the day of Sun God will make everything fun and safe for all of UCSD.

Everyone is encouraged to enjoy the festival, but please keep a few things in mind:

• UCSD is encouraged to have a great time, but never at the expense of anyone’s safety.

• Any visibly intoxicated person will be denied entrance to the event and may be detained by the police.

• A zero tolerance policy will be in effect and all campus police, RAs, RSOs and resident deans are strictly enforcing all policies and laws.

• Your cooperation in following all UCSD policies and remaining in control of your use of alcohol will minimize many potential problems during the event. We want everyone to have fun, but please watch over your friends as well as yourself.

Sun God 2006 is here — have a great time, UCSD!

— Eric Morris

A.S. Commissioner of Programming

Article Overlooks Kendo Team B

Dear Editor,

I would like to provide some more information and clarifications in regards to your May 1 article in the Sports section, titled, “Kendo Team Fights Way to Second.” The UCSD kendo team sent two squads to the Harvard Shoryuhai Tournament, and both teams made it to the semifinals, where Team A and Team B were subsequently matched against each other. Team A went on to take second place, but Team B demonstrated its skills, barely losing to the A team. Team B, which was made up mainly of students who started kendo at UCSD, took third place, defeating many all-black belt teams. Matthew Schultzel, Brian Lee, Taku Yamasaki and Tam Hoang should be commended for their efforts.

The UCSD kendo team is also indebted to many organizations and UCSD departments that helped support our event. All of the six college councils, as well as ASUCSD, Chancellor Fox and Princeton Review supported the team. Without them and the efforts of RIMAC, SOLO, and Revelle College Senior Senator Rachel Corell, UCSD might not have been able to compete this year.

— Mark Schultzel

UCSD Kendo Team, Fukusho Team B

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