San Diego Mayor- Donna Frye
No on Proposition 73- Abortion notification
Why we oppose it:
The measure includes too many “poison pills” — even for those who favor parental notices.
No on Proposition 74- Teacher tenure
Why we oppose it:
Bad teachers ought to get the boot, but not through the measure’s clumsy language, which makes the profession considerably less attractive.
No on Proposition 75- Union dues
Why we oppose it:
The initiative is too narrow in scope to disable union’s sway over legislation.
No on Proposition 76- California’s budget
Why we oppose it:
Under the initiative, state government would lose its key checks and balances.
No on Proposition 77- Redistricting
Why we oppose it:
Though attractive in theory, the measure is rushed and leaves too many questions unanswered.
No on Proposition 78- Prescription drugs
Why we oppose it:
The lack of an enforcement mechanism makes this proposition a dud.
No on Proposition 79- Prescription drugs
Why we oppose it:
Problems of vague language and unlikely federal approval overwhelm this proposition’s promise.
No on Proposition 80- Utility reregulation
Why we oppose it:
The measure is too complicated to work and is likely to be struck down, since it appears to be unconstitutional.
Vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8
from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.