Monday, Feb. 21
8:42 p.m.: A student reported the theft of a sports bag from RIMAC Arena. Loss: $270.
11:23 p.m.: Officers arrested a 53-year-old male nonaffiliate for possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of less than 28.5 grams of marijuana. Cited and released.
Wednesday, Feb. 23
10:49 a.m.: A staff member reported the theft of a computer at Nirenberg Hall. Loss: $1,000.
4:29 p.m.: A staff member reported the theft of a white 1999 Club Cab golf cart from Main Gym. Loss: $5,000.
Thursday, Feb. 24
8:06 a.m.: A staff member reported the theft of a computer at Mandeville Center. Loss: $1,349.
1:22 p.m.: Officers arrested an 18-year-old male nonaffiliate at Sixth College Building 705 for possession of an illegal weapon on campus. Cited and released and ordered off campus for seven days.
Friday, Feb. 25
1:36 p.m.: A staff member reported the theft of a purse. Loss: $60.
1:45 p.m.: Officers arrested a 20-year-old male student at John Muir College for being a minor in possession of alcohol. Cited and released.
— Compiled by Lisa Mak
Associate News Editor