Pop quiz! A band from D.C. on a cute hardcore label called Dischord comes out with a record titled Power: Now, what exactly is this the power of?
Is it the power of crunchy guitar lines holding the backbone of a post-rock song? Is it the power of the masses to unite and defeat the great Satan? Or is it the power of yelping hardcore bands in the tradition of Fugazi and Gang of Four?
No, silly, it’s the power to dance!
With the current affection of indie rockers to dig through disco records for inspiration (see early works of the Liars, the Rapture, !!! and Franz Ferdinand), it’s no surprise to see Q and Not U turn to synths and multi-instrumentation to create highly catchy dance tunes. Of course, these songs won’t be played in the clubs anytime soon, but indie rock fans can happily add this to their collection of booty-shaking white-boy music.
While its predictability drags it down a little — this is exactly what we expect indie dance-punk to sound like — some of the songs on this record are too good to ignore. Unless you were born without a personality, songs like “Wonderful People,” “Wet Work” and “Collect the Diamonds” should shake your hip bone and tickle your funny bone quite a bit.
For something that delves deeper into the wonderful and fun potential of indie dance, consider !!! and the Rapture instead. Until then, amuse yourself with Power.