Fox affirms top priorities for UCSD
Thank you for focusing so much of your Sept. 21 issue on my arrival as UCSD’s new chancellor and the myriad of challenges I face in that role. I enjoyed reading the diverse and thoughtful perspectives on what my top priorities as chancellor should be and would like nothing more than to continue to have an open dialogue with students on these issues.
I agree with your writers who concluded that some of my top priorities should be generating new sources of revenue in the face of shrinking state funds for higher education, increasing campus diversity and enhancing the quality of student life. These are all top priorities for me and my vision for UCSD. As mentioned in the profile by Guardian Associate News Editor Lisa Mak, as a result of the recent strategic planning retreat I held with the campus leadership, we have already taken steps toward addressing some of these issues.
UCSD is a terrific institution. The caliber of students, faculty and staff are more than any administrator could hope to be working with.
I am proud to have been chosen as UCSD’s new leader and look forward to working with students, faculty and staff to reach our mutual goals.
An open dialogue with UCSD students is essential to reaching our goals for the campus and, therefore, I would like to invite all interested students to participate in an online chat Sept. 29 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. This online “Chat with the Chancellor” is an opportunity for students to send in questions they want to discuss and receive responses from me in “real” time. I think this online chat will be both fun and informative. I encourage all those interested in the future of our campus to join me. To participate in this chat, please visit:
Thank you again for your thoughtful coverage.
— Marye Anne Fox
UCSD chancellor