Summer is swiftly approaching and wanderlust is reappearing in college students who have spent their school year cloistered in dorm rooms and computer labs. A road trip is the perfect way to satisfy the travel bug, spend time with friends and see a bit of America.
Road trips can make a great learning experience as well. The lessons learned are useful not only for travel but also as guidelines for living life. These 30 principles of good life and good road tripping are compiled from many miles and many hours on the road. Follow the ones that speak to you and enjoy the journeys and adventures thrown your way.
1. Take your time
The cardinal rule of road trips. While driving 20 or 30 hours straight to get to the next landmark may seem appealing, it is generally not worth it. This isn’t a marathon, you’re supposed to be on vacation.
2. Spend time with good people
Particularly true on a road trip. You’ll be spending many hours in close proximity to the people you choose to travel with. Choose them wisely.
3. Get lost
Don’t be afraid to wander a bit. This is the best way to learn your way around a new location. Have fun with it.
4. Talk to strangers
Despite advice to the contrary, this is the best way to get to know a place and get a taste of local culture. An added plus on longer trips is the accents.
5. Ask for directions
Sometimes you don’t want to be lost. There is no shame in admitting it. It is also a good conversation starter with the locals.
6. Read signs
Signs are helpful for keeping on track with driving. Often good for a laugh as well.
7. Visit people
Rack your brains for distant relatives and casual acquaintances you can stay with or at least visit along the way. It adds a lot to the trip.
8. When you feel like stopping, do so
If something catches your eye or you just need a break, pull off the road. You won’t regret it.
9. Refuel before you are on empty
This practice is better for your car, better for your sanity. This will save you unnecessary trouble. Living life this way will keep you healthier and happier as well.
10. The windier the road, the better
Fun to drive and a great perspective on life.
11. Brush and floss at least once a day and shower often
This should be obvious. Think — many people in a confined space for long periods of time. Enough said.
12. Appreciate delays
Remember, roads wouldn’t exist without road construction.
13. Bring maps
AAA is an invaluable resource. If you don’t have a membership, find someone who does.
14. Don’t pass up cheap gas
No matter how much you think the next station will be cheaper, cheap gas is cheap gas. The next gas station will be more expensive.
15a. Travel light
Less is more. If you’re not sure if you’ll use it, don’t take it. You can always pick one up on the road
15b. You can never have too much underwear
The one exception to 15a.
16. Stop before you feel tired
Driving tired is the worst way to drive and one of the most dangerous. Don’t do it. Life is better when you are well rested. You’re on vacation, remember?
17. There’s always time for a sunset
No matter where you are or what you’re doing, take a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature.
18. No matter how much you want to, don’t pet the bears
All around good advice.
19. The fastest road isn’t always the best road
Enjoy yourself, visit small towns and get off the highway. Nicer driving and more interesting sights are worth the added time.
20. Don’t plan the details
Details can rarely be planned successfully, especially on a trip. Enjoy the unpredictable and allow for spontaneity. Also, don’t worry when things don’t turn out the way you planned, life is an adventure. It’s OK to not know where you’re sleeping every night.
21. Look around
The world won’t disappoint you.
22. Stretch
It’s good for you and feels good too. What more can you ask for?
23. Set aside open days
Having unplanned days in your schedule gives you flexibility. You might discover something off your path worth exploring.
24. Exercise
A difficult task on a trip, but vital. Whether hiking the Grand Canyon, or doing sit-ups on picnic tables, it’s always possible and adds to the experience.
25. Don’t speed
Speeding is just not worth it. Getting a ticket is the last thing you want to do on your vacation.
26. Have a journal and use it
Keeping a journal is a nice way to look back on your journeys and your life. You’ll never regret the time it takes to write down your thoughts.
27. Bring a can opener
It’s hard to open cans without one.
28. Drink the water
No matter what you have been told, the water won’t kill you. It tastes different everywhere you go. Drink a lot, it’s good for you.
29. Check in
With yourself, your family, travel companions and the car. Crucial for a well-oiled trip.
30. The journey is the destination
This is an important mentality for traveling, and a good way to live.