The A.S. Council approved the reallocation of $6,800 from cultural programming and national competitions travel unallocated accounts to the Triton Taxi service for spring quarter during its May 5 meeting. The service’s costs for spring quarter are expected to be $10,000.
“Already, students depended on this program,” A.S. Commissioner of Student Services Kian Maleki said. “It’s one of the best services out there and it’s our responsibility to accommodate everyone.”
Triton Taxi, which is the “safe ride home” service, provided by A.S., was facing a deficit of about $9,600 for costs incurred during fall and winter quarter. According to former Commissioner of Student Services Kelly Vasant, who oversaw the Triton Taxi program throughout the past year, the deficit and the projected costs for spring quarter are due to an unexpected increase in the number of students using the service. The A.S. Council had originally allocated $12,000 to the Triton Taxi in the beginning of the year.
“We had made the promise to provide Triton Taxi to all the students, so we have the responsibility because the service is being used so much,” Vasant said.
According to Vasant, all the money for cultural programming has already been allocated and there will still be available funds left in the national competitions account.
Vasant said during a May 5 finance committee meeting that the allocation was vital in order to keep the service going. According to Vasant, while Associated Students has yet to receive a bill from Cloud 9, the shuttle company it’s contracted with to provide the service, the allocation would help in avoiding deficit spending.
“We haven’t been billed yet, so right now, it is deficit spending, which means that we have zero money on our account for Triton Taxi and we are still running the service,” Vasant said. “We can’t do that. There has to be money in that account before we start spending any money.”
John Muir College Interim Freshman Senator Nam Bui told members of the finance committee during the meeting that reallocating funds from the National Competitions Travel account would still leave $2,000 for student organizations requesting funding in the upcoming weeks. Bui added that organizations have a four-week threshold to ask for funding before it can be added as new business on the A.S. agenda.
“Basically, given the time right now up until the last week, which is our last meeting, there’s no way [an organization] can fall under that,” Bui said. “Even though we can probably make exceptions, we do have money for two more allocations of about $1,500, in case someone does come in. That’s a pretty strong safety net.”
Vasant also said during the finance meeting that there is still a need to come up with the $3,200 to meet the projected costs for spring quarter. Vasant said that she is hoping A.S. Council will allocate Triton Taxi $35,000 for next year.
“We’re going to have to find more money,” Vasant said. “I think Triton Taxi is one of the things that students recognize Associated Students for. Students are taking advantage of [the service] and I hope that the new A.S. Council will make it a priority.”
Maleki said that he will be analyzing the number of average miles that students use the service and how much the service will cost next year. He said that he is also considering sponsorship and whether to continue the contract with Cloud 9 or choose another shuttle service.
“We’re looking to be sponsored by a private business that would benefit from that sponsorship and maybe changing our service with different provider,” Maleki said.