Meeting #27
April 21, 2004
Public Input
Director of University Relations Jared Feldman encouraged students to hear State Sen. Dede Alpert (D-San Diego) speak about issues in higher education on April 23 at 4:30 p.m. at the Deutz Conference Center in the Institute of the Americas. Refreshments will be provided.
Items of Immediate Consideration
Item A
The A.S. Council approved a $1,720 reallocation from the operations and services income account for Triton Taxi by a vote of 17-1-1.
Items B and C
The council approved amendments to the A.S. Constitution and Bylaws that clarify which council positions are ex-officio or associate positions. A segment of the legislation that would have allowed associate members to author and second an item was removed from the legislation.
Director of Public Relations Shahdeh Ammadi
Ammadi encouraged councilmembers to attend the A.S.-sponsored event for Hate Free Week on April 23 at noon in Price Center Plaza. The program will feature Persian dancers, a Jewish story and a speech on same-sex marriage.
Earl Warren College Council Chair Tim Alexander
Alexander encouraged all Earl Warren College students to vote on a fee referendum the week of April 26.
Old Business
Item A
A proposal to disburse funds from the college-level all-campus programming fund only during fall quarter for the entire year failed to be pulled from committee. The council accepted the Finance Committee’s recommendation to fail the item by a vote of 0-6-1.
Item D
The council approved a recommendation of stipends for the 2004-05 year. Total stipends were reduced by more than $17,600 from the current year. A motion to pull the item from committee in order to eliminate stipends for senators failed by a vote of 4-12-0. This forced the council to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to approve the item by a vote of 6-1-2.
Items E and F
The council approved a resolution granting the approval of the Master Space Agreement which governs the space used by the university co-ops. The council also approved a copy of the Master Space Agreement by consensus. The ultimate power to sign the contract rests in the president.
— Compiled by Neil Spears
Senior Staff Writer