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Empty A.S. Senate seats filled by colleges

Numerous A.S. senator positions that had remained vacant since the general elections are gradually being filled by individual college councils. Among the colleges that needed to fill vacant senate positions are Thurgood Marshall, Earl Warren and Revelle Colleges.

The college councils are also in the process of appointing members for other council positions.

Marshall was among the colleges that were faced with an open position after the A.S. general elections. The Marshall junior senator position was left vacant after the only candidate was disqualified with the Students First! slate.

According to TMC Council Chair Travis Silva, the position was really never left vacant, because the senator position was filled before the transition of the new council during fifth week. Through a process called “”joint selection,”” Billy Ikosipentarhos was chosen by a committee of council members to be appointed for the Marshall junior senator position.

“”I’m very excited about this year’s council,”” Ikosipentarhos said. “”It’s a lot smoother than last year and more efficient.””

As appointments have given disqualified candidates from the Students First! slate another chance to work in A.S. positions, they have given others unrelated to the slate a second opportunity to serve the A.S. Council. Ikosipentarhos was initially a candidate disqualified from the general elections because of a late application.

“”I’m definitely excited to be here even though I wasn’t elected,”” Ikosipentarhos said. “”I don’t think it makes me any less of a senator and I know that I just have to try harder to prove that I am, in fact, representing my constituents.””

According to Silva, only 11 members of the Thurgood Marshall College Council were elected; others have been appointed through the “”joint selection”” process.

Councils at Warren and Revelle are also in the process of selecting and appointing students to the senate and to other council positions.

Warren College Student Council accepted applications for senatorial and council positions last week. An appointment committee will hold interviews and make recommendations before the WCSC vote to approve these recommendations. According to WCSC President Tim Alexander, the council is looking forward to continuing activities such as the talent show and to pass their constitution and a referendum once all positions are filled.

“”The appointments committee gets together and makes recommendations to council,”” Alexander said. “”Nobody is approved until council votes and as long as they get majority.””

Revelle College Council will also be appointing a junior senator. The RCC has conducted interviews of the two applicants interested in the positions. Approval of the appointment also requires a majority vote from the council. The official term of the new Revelle senator will begin from the time of appointment until the end of fifth week of spring 2004.

According to the Interim Revelle College Junior Senator Bishoy Said, the RCC chair would vote only in case of a tie, while the vice chair is responsible for the appointments process.

Muir College Council, faced with a single vacancy, appointed Megan Miller to the position of junior senator on May 15. The spot, which had been vacant throughout and following elections for lack of any candidates, had been filled on an interim basis by Colin Parent in the meantime. The council held interviews before voting on Miller for the appointment.

Meanwhile, other colleges, such as Eleanor Roosevelt College, did not face any vacant positions.

“”ERC pretty much had its act together,”” said ERC Sophomore Senator Max Harrington. “”Three of our senators were elected, and we appointed our interim freshman senator in time for the second week of the new council. We’re all set.””

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