Public Input
Former Thurgood Marshall College Chair Kevin Kelly asked A.S. President Jeremy Paul Gallagher to consider the more local aspects of the vice president external’s job description in his appointment of the new vice president external.
The vice president external is not only the A.S. Council’s liaison with national student organizations, but oversees external affairs at UCSD, as well, Kelly said.
Items of Immediate Consideration
Item A
The A.S. Council approved a resolution urging students to vote in favor of the University Centers Expansion and Renovation Fee Referendum. Submitted by University Centers Advisory Board Chair James Lynch, the item provoked much debate before garnering a vote of 13-6-2. A motion made to table the item indefinitely failed 7-14 prior to the item’s approval.
Councilmembers opposed to the resolution, most vocally Interim Commissioner of Student Advocacy Brie Finegold, argued that issuing an A.S. resolution in support of an A.S.-run referendum would create a conflict of interest and further muddy an already overcomplicated issue.
Others argued that issuing a statement for or against the resolution would alienate constituents who had different opinions on the issue.
Those in support of the referendum, including Interim John Muir College Freshman Senator Nick Lieberknecht, argued that it was their duty as student representatives to express their opinion through a resolution.
Lynch said that he felt compelled to bring the resolution to council since UCAB voted to support the referendum. During the debate, Gallagher said that he had “”thoughts”” of vetoing the item if it was passed. Students will vote on the $39 per-quarter fee referendum next week.
A.S. President Jeremy Paul Gallagher
Gallagher reported that he and Interim Commissioner of Programming Gabe Grossman met with Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Joseph W. Watson on May 6 to discuss the University Centers Expansion Fee Referendum special election. During the meeting, it was determined that the election will be run by the Associated Students since both the A.S. Council and the GSA appointed Grossman as Special Elections Manager.
Gallagher also reported that he, Vice President Internal Jennifer Pae and Vice President Finance Eric Webster will fill the role of commissioner of communications and will handle media funding allocations.
Commissioner of Programming Gabe Grossman
Grossman announced that the final A.S. Programming Thank Goodness Its Over concert will feature Lagwagon, Pulley and Staring Back. The show will be held June 6 in Price Center Plaza.
Grossman also reported that a debate on the fee referendum will be held on May 13 at noon in Price Center Plaza.
Bookstore Advisory Committee A.S. Representative Robin Shelton
Shelton reported that the committee is discussing ways to encourage students who drop classes to return their books to the bookstore sooner so other students do not go without required books. Eleanor Roosevelt Sophomore Senator Max Harrington, the ERC representative to the committee, tried to add a discussion item regarding the issue to Council Caucus, but did not win council support for discussion.
Old Business
An allocation request of $125 for a Parking Strike Force Demonstration was withdrawn. The demonstration, scheduled to be held on May 14, was postponed in response to favorable motions made by the Transportation Policy Committee on April 25, according to Strike Force member and Muir Sophomore Senator Nam Bui.
— Compiled by Clayton Worfolk
Senior Staff Writer