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Student found dead at Pac. Hall

John Muir College junior Natalie Summerfish was found dead in a loading dock behind Pacific Hall on Feb. 7. UCSD police officials are calling the death an apparent suicide.

Staff members found Summerfish’s body shortly after 1 p.m. In addition to UCSD police, a homicide evaluator from the San Diego Police Department was called to the scene.

According to Tom Morris, a sergeant with the UCSD Police Department, Summerfish fell to her death at about 1 p.m.

Morris said the investigation would remain open pending a report by the San Diego County Department of the Medical Examiner, who has yet to officially determine the cause of death.

“”I don’t know that there is much more that could happen, but we are still considering it under investigation,”” Morris said.

Summerfish’s parents, who live in Oceanside, Calif., were notified of their daughter’s death the evening of Feb. 7, according to Kim McDonald, a spokesman for the university.

McDonald said that staff members from Psychological and Counseling Services were at Pacific Hall immediately after the body was discovered. Counselors were going door-to-door in the building offering counseling for students, faculty and staff members working in the building who might have been affected by the death.

Counseling will also be available for other students.

“”Counselors will be on hand and talking to Muir students that might have known the student,”” McDonald said.

As of Feb. 9, McDonald said he was unaware of any memorial service planned for Summerfish.

“”We’re saddened by the death of a student — of any student on this campus,”” he said.

Summerfish was a 19-year-old visual arts major.

McDonald said that members of the UCSD community who desire to seek counseling are encouraged to call Psychological and Counseling Services at (858) 534-3755.

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