Public Input
Eleanor Roosevelt College Junior Senator Cassie Pataky announced her resignation from the A.S. Council. ERC Freshman Senator Max Harrington, ERC Sophomore Senator Desiree Jabson and ERC Senior Senator Wendy Ho praised Pataky and presented her with gifts.
Thurgood Marshall College Chair Kevin Kelly announced the resignation of Marshall Freshman Senator Caitlin Colman.
Items of Immediate Consideration
The A.S. Council unanimously approved the appointment of Sonya Gera to the Task Force on Undergraduate Education at a Research University.
A.S. President Jenn Brown
Brown reported that all student affairs departments face a 5 percent cut in their operation budget due to state cuts in UC funding. Brown also announced that the UCSD Athletics Department will take a $200,000 hit under the state budget plan.
Vice President External Stephen Klass
Klass was absent from the A.S. Council meeting, but sent a report announcing that he was lobbying for lower fees at a UC Regents meeting. Klass reported that UCSD students face a $1,200 fee increase next year.
Commissioner of Athletics Robin Shelton
Shelton reported that the Triton Tide Campus Invasion Tour dates have been slightly modified. Under the revised schedule, the tour will reach Thurgood Marshall College on Jan. 17, Sixth College on Jan. 24, Revelle College on Jan. 31, Earl Warren College on Feb. 7, and ERC on Feb. 21. The all-campus event will take place on March 1.
ERC Freshman Senator Max Harrington
Harrington announced that he would like the A.S. Task Force on Voting Systems to begin meeting next week. Harrington also announced that he is thinking about proposing an A.S. task force to explore the issue of living wages at UCSD.
University Centers Advisory Board Chair James Lynch
Lynch reported that the University Centers Expansion Task Force has received the raw data from its student survey. According to Lynch, the task force received a total of 3,314 responses to its internet and telephone poll. Lynch announced that the task force should present its final report and recommendations to the A.S. Council by the first or second week of February. Lynch also noted that there will most likely be a fee referendum for University Center expansion in the future.
Revelle College Council Chair Alex Schafgans
Schafgans announced that the Revelle College Council is going ahead with a fee referendum. If passed, the referendum would increase fees for Revelle students by $4.
Old Business
Item E
Amended and passed 8-6-4
The A.S. Council appointed Tom Chapman to the Transportation Policy Committee. Item E originally proposed the appointment of Marshall College Sophomore Senator Jeff Le to the committee, but the item was amended to replace Le with Chapman after Hsu stated that he had meant to withdraw the item from the agenda. Hsu said that the A.S. Internal Committee had actually recommended that the appointment go to Chapman rather than Le. The vote to amend the item resulted in a 6-6 tie with six council members abstaining. However, Hsu broke the tie in favor of amendment.
Item F
Passed by consensus
The A.S. Council appointed current A.S. Commissioner of Athletics Robin Shelton to A.S. election manager.
Item T
Passed by consensus
The A.S. Council approved the A.S. All Campus Transfer Association Charter. The charter sets forth guidelines for the A.S. All Campus Transfer Association, which will “”serve as an umbrella organization for each of the individual college transfer student associations.””
— Compiled by Clayton Worfolk
Senior Staff Writer