A.S. President Jenn Brown
Brown reported that she met with the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women last week. The committee agreed to draft a letter, proposing that Chancellor Dynes show support for the equality of women on the UCSD campus through Title IX. The letter will urge the chancellor to send a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush in support of Title IX.
Brown reported that she will be presenting two new A.S. Council committees, which will address the A.S. budget and the A.S. constitution, respectively.
The committee on the budget will discuss a possible activity fee increase, while the constitution committee will address constitution changes that might need to be made. The two committees Brown is proposing are being created to “”better serve the student body,”” she said.
Brown reported that the Student Initiated Outreach and Recruitment Committee, which initially lost its state-funded budget this year, will be receiving an allocation of $100,000. Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Joesph Watson is scheduled to provide the money within the next two weeks.
Brown reported that she has started working on transfer student issues. Brown proposes that the All-Campus Transfer Association become a commission of the A.S. Council. A copy of a constitution for the commission is currently in draft form and will be presented to the A.S. Council for discussion soon.
Commissioner of Academic Affairs Halle Beitollahi
Beitollahi reported that she is currently working on a project that is “”something good and exciting,”” but she did not say what the report entailed.
Commissioner of Athletics Robin Shelton
Shelton reported that he will soon have an official, written stance on Title IX.
Shelton reported that 40 people attended the road-trip volleyball game to San Bernadino, Calif. Although UCSD lost, Shelton reported that “”the trip went well.””
Shelton said that he is looking into putting on a fireworks show at Spirit Night in conjunction with the Triton Tide budget.
Commissioner of Communications Navneet Grewal
Grewal reported that all seniors interested should have their pictures taken for the El Sol Senior Yearbook. It costs $15 to be both photographed and receive a copy of the yearbook.
Commissioner of Programming Gabe Grossman
Grossman reported that the programming office is working on WinterFest and is beginning to talk about bands for Sun God. Band suggestions can be e-mailed to the programming office at [email protected] or [email protected].
Vice President Internal Kevin Hsu recommended the Foo Fighters.
Senate Chair Corinne Hart
Hart reported that there will be vans leaving promptly at 8 a.m. from the Sun God on Nov. 20 for a protest in favor of Title IX to be held outside of a Title IX hearing. All those interested in participating are encouraged to attend. Free T-shirts and buttons will be given to all participants.
Old Business
Item F
Appointment of Garo Bournatian as the new undergraduate student representative to the Admissions Committee.
Controversy rose during a discussion as to whether or not Bournatian should be appointed to the position. Members of council questioned whether or not he should be given the position, as well as his stance on the changing admissions process.
Brown wants to know Bournatian’s stance on comprehensive review before he is approved for the position. Desiree Jabson, sophomore senator at Eleanor Roosevelt College, said she would endorse him for the position, but noted that he is “”super busy.””
Beitollahi nominated Bournatian for the position after interviewing him and reviewing his application. She said that he held the position last year and was the only one who applied.
The internal committee, a committee of senators, will interview Bournatian before he is approved or denied. Beitollahi asked that council members e-mail her questions they want to ask him so that he can be prepared for the interview.
— Compiled by Laura McGann
Senior Staff Writer