Special Presentations
Director of Housing and Dining Services Mark Cunningham gave a presentation on the functions of his department. Cunningham reported that this year 93.7% of freshmen are housed on campus, although 1,900 sophomores were denied housing.
Cunningham said that H&DS is currently working on constructing housing at the Eleanor Roosevelt College. The project budget totals $106 million and will create a $69 million yearly mortgage, once completed.
The cost of housing, Cunningham said, is solely carried by students and is not funded by the state. When asked about other sources of funding for housing such as alumni donations Cunningham said that because UCSD is a relatively young institution “”our students haven’t made their money yet.””
Cunningham also reported that his office has worked to expand Triton Plus under the encouragement of current A.S. President Jenn Brown, who served as Vice President Internal last year, and members of last year’s A.S. Council. Triton Plus is now being accepted at Chipotle and Baskin Robins. Triton Plus is expected to soon expand to Papa John’s Pizza, BJ’s and Islands.
Cunningham also discussed a housing project for transfer students and upper-classmen that is scheduled to be completed in 2005. The project will include apartment-style housing, including underground parking, near RIMAC. It will be run by a group separate from H&DS.
A.S. President Jenn Brown
Jenn Brown reported that the Youth Vote effort registered between 2,000 and 2,500 UCSD students. Brown also reported that Youth Vote workers called all the voters they registered who included their phone numbers to remind them to vote.
On election day Brown and volunteers handed out 500 voter registration guides and 1,500 cookies.
Vice President External Stephen Klass
Klass reported that he will be giving a presentation to the University of California Board of Regents on the Classification on Race Ethnicity and National Origin, formerly known as the Racial Privacy Initiative, at the next regents meeting.
Klass also reported that the UC system might face a 5 percent cut to its budget mid-year. Klass said that he will continue to work against student fees being raised.
Thurgood Marshall College Chair Kevin Kelly
Kelly reported that Marshall will be hosting an event, Marshallpalooza on Nov. 15 at Marshall Field. The event will include musical performances from Locale A.M., La Symphony and Rochelle Rochelle. There will also be a barbecue, a talent show, games and a mechanical bull.
Vice President Internal Kevin Hsu
Hsu reported that at 4 p.m. at the Cross Cultural Center on Nov. 8, there will be a no on CRENO meeting.
Old Business
Item F
Failed: 0-20-1
Amendment to ASUCSD Constitution
Submitted by: Tom Chapman
The amendment was introduced last week, but was tabled after the majority of senators did not feel knowledgeable enough to vote on the item.
The amendment would have eliminated details on A.S. Council positions from the A.S. Constitution.
Item G
Failed: 0-19-2
Amendment to A.S. Council Bylaws
Submitted by: Tom Chapman
The amendment was introduced last week along with Item F. Senators did not feel prepared to vote on this item either.
This item would include the details eliminated from the A.S. Constitution in Item F and include those details in A.S. Council Bylaws.
Item O
Passed 21-0-1
Allocation of $365 from the Student Organization Unallocated Fund to Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s dodge ball tournament.
Item P
Passed by consensus
Approval of the University of California Student Association budget for 2002-2003.
The A.S. Council contributed $23,625 to the $277,271 UCSA budget.