Since its creation in 1998, FallFest has enjoyed increasing popularity but has also struggled with challenges, such as finding a musical lineup appealing to the whole UCSD community and accommodating the crowd at RIMAC Arena. As FallFest turns five this year, the A.S. Programming Office has introduced some additions that, it is hoped, will make it even better: a theme and prizes.
Last year’s FallFest, featuring Afroman, Warren G and Alien Ant Farm, drew both praise and pains. Junior Yi-fang Tsai, senior Ylan Jacopack and senior Ali Ginn were generally pleased with the performances, especially Alien Ant Farm’s energetic set.
But many students complained about the long lines. As sophomore Sheetal Patel put it, “”It took days to get in.””
Senior Tommy Heng said, “”I had to try to sneak in.””
Ginn said, “”They need to accommodate everyone if they’re going to make it free.””
For this year’s FallFest, Tsai is excited, saying, “”Everyone’s been talking about Blackalicious … and Jurassic 5 only had two members when they came for a nooner, so now that they’re complete. It should be a good show.””
Jacopack looks forward to MxPx’s punk and Jurassic 5’s new single, while Heng says, “”Jurassic 5 again? We need Nelly, Dr. Dre or Ludacris.””
While majority-pleasing lineups and long lines will likely still be a problem, the A.S. Programming Office has made some improvements to make this fall’s concert more accessible and attractive. New this year is a theme — “”School Spirit”” — and a raffle prize drawing for the first 100 to 200 students wearing UCSD gear.
Daiana Kim and Alex Kushner, A.S. festivals co-coordinators, revealed that the prizes include airplane tickets, Jack Johnson concert tickets and signed paraphernalia from FallFest artists.
The theme and prizes, explained Kim and Kushner, are both a reward and an incentive for UCSD students to come to FallFest. First, the raffle encourages students to come earlier, which may help alleviate the long lines. Moreover, Kushner hopes “”[these improvements] will set a precedent for a top-notch show.””
Kushner said, “”We’re hoping to get people who aren’t really into all-campus events to check it out. To students, this is just a free on-campus event. But the box office, the agents, the bands themselves have all been inundated with calls to make it open to the public.””
“”We want to get the freshmen into it, but we also want to appeal to all the classes,”” Kim said. “”We’re gonna pack RIMAC again this year. We’ll probably have to turn a thousand away.””
So if you’re ready to see what the buzz is all about, get there early and show some sartorial school spirit at FallFest 2002.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Bring student ID for admission.
FallFest 2002
Starring Blackalicious, MxPx and Jurassic 5
Friday, Oct. 11