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ten questions

Did you go to Sun God?

I went to see the shows. I liked the bands that were playing.

Who would you like to see perform at UCSD?

I would like to see Tool, Incubus and Strung Out. I would like more punk rock and even some more rap.

Are you a “”Star Wars”” fan?

I am a fan but I haven’t seen “”Episode II”” yet. I plan to this Wednesday.

If you could be any movie character, who would you be?


Who was your favorite U.S. president?

Bill Clinton, he did a lot of good, like with his foreign policy improving relations with China … and he did good with our budget.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring with you?

A computer with Internet access, a CD player and some CDs.

What is your typical breakfast?

A can of Coke and a Milky Way every day.

Do you think we should raise taxes in California?

No, because they take enough out of our paychecks as it is.

Do you think President Bush should have paid more attention to terrorism warnings?

Yes, but it is hard to say.

Are you worried about tension on campus over the Middle East conflict?

Not at all.

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