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Slate accuses elections manager

Political debates on campus continue weeks after the end of A.S. elections; a hearing about a New Wave complaint filed against A.S. Elections Manager Jessica Williams is pending.

The complaint seeks to remove Williams for allegedly violating elections bylaws by opposing the New Wave slate throughout the elections. Williams’ term ends May 1.

Garo Bournoutian, New Wave’s vice presidential external candidate, filed the formal complaint against Williams on April 12, the last day of the elections.

Williams expressed shock at the accusations.

“”I was not expecting [the complaint] at all,”” Williams said.

The New Wave slate plans to assert evidence of Williams’ opposition at the hearing by including testimony of Williams’ actions to improperly disqualify New Wave’s student advocacy candidate.

New Wave alleges that Williams notified other presidential candidates of the disqualification, rather than the New Wave slate itself. The slate said it was informed to Oseguera’s disqualification by presidential candidate Colin Parent while campaigning at a student organization meeting.

The New Wave slate also intends to introduce testimony from a New Wave slate member, indicating that Williams gave the slate information that did not conform with election bylaws, according to Bournoutian’s complaint.

Williams does not believe that the filed complaint is viable.

“”I do not think it is a legitimate complaint,”” Williams said.

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