What would your ad in the personals section be?
Nineteen, male, seeks person with intelligence, grace and beauty. Quick-witted and smart ass.
What is your biggest fear and why?
Ending up alone, because I’m pretty boring without somebody to scare out of their wits.
What do you think about reality TV shows?
I think they are boring and that it’s not reality, because everyone is changing the way they act for the camera.
What’s your favorite quote from a movie?
The Samuel L. Jackson Bible quote from “”Pulp Fiction.””
What do you think of George Bush’s handling of terrorism?
He’s in an awkward situation because he’s basically worthless to us and he’s trying to prove his worthiness by showing force.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
The United States because it’s a beautiful country.
If you could tell a professor what you wanted with no consequences, what would it be?
I do that already. Usually it’s not very good, but I have to.
What are your New Year’s resolutions?
If someone wants to change something about themselves, they should do it now and not wait for the New Year.
What is your favorite thing about the world?
Ice cream.
And your least favorite?
Closed-minded people.