With Memorial Day this weekend, the beginning of summer is upon us. Time to get out the white clothes and the bottles of SPF 45.
Yes, yes, for all of those scientists and summer solstice people, summer does not officially commence until June 21. But for the rest of us, this is the beginning of three months of bliss.
It is not so easy for us here at UCSD. Most other academic institutions have finished their year already, while we have to suffer until mid-June. Just remember that those other schools will re-start in August, though, while we’re all still chillin’ like those proverbial villains.
With vacation comes the intense, nagging need to do something. Here are a number of suggestions for how to sate that whining inner voice.
Of course, going to the beach is one activity that never gets old. Relax on the sand and watch the people go by. Get a tan. Catch a wave. UCSD does have a surf club. You already knew that from your faithful reading of the Guardian. So if you think you are cool enough, go out and join the group.
You can also take in some of San Diego’s fine sports teams this summer.
The Padres are red-hot, so go out and see what they can do. I think that the Friars have a legit shot at taking the National League West. Yes, you may think I am crazy, but the Padres have muchos huevos while the other teams in the division don’t seem to be playing up to expectations. Even if the Padres start to suck, you can at least see Tony Gwynn and Rickey Henderson. They are two legends, sure Hall of Famers. If you are really lucky, you’ll get to see them play.
If the Padres are not your cup of tea, head out to see the Spirit, San Diego’s Women’s United Soccer League team. Those players are pretty good. They know how to put on a show, and their uniforms are always nice and clean.
If you prefer smoke-filled rooms, aging waitresses and cheesy games that take your money away, visit one of the 5,000 Indian casinos in San Diego.
Balboa Park is also an interesting place to hang out. You can spend days looking through the museums and all the quaint little things it has to offer.
There is also the San Diego Zoo and Sea World, but for the latter you have to sign over your firstborn to afford to get in.
Another suggestion is to get some buddies together and play a game of sloshball. You can just get sloshed or just play softball, but sloshball gives you two for one.
There are other things to do, like visiting the mountains to the east of here or heading out to the desert. Who visits the desert in the summertime? Oh yeah, I do.
One final suggestion is just to leave. There won’t be any power here, anyway, and the gas will cost $15 a gallon. Go to Arizona or Nevada. When the Big One hits, that will be prime coastal property. Then you can go to the beach and not worry about the crowds.