Aries (March 21-April 19)
On Monday, travel looks like fun, but don’t ignore an important item on your list. Perform perfectly under pressure Wednesday, and by Thursday you’ll have made a profitable impression. Your group can get a lot done Friday, but keep it confidential. A friend’s idea can help you make a long shot Saturday. Reality could mess with your fantasies Sunday, however.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Financial shenanigans could leave you sadder but wiser Monday. Negotiate and shop Tuesday through Thursday. Follow instructions on Friday and turn a tidy profit. Understanding what others want on Saturday may be tough. Take it slow and remember what you’ve learned on Sunday.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Tensions at home mar the ambiance Monday. Keep talking Tuesday and Wednesday. By Thursday the compromise should be obvious. Clean house as fast as possible Friday so you can play from Friday night through Saturday. If you don’t get too rowdy, you’ll avoid a familiar problem on Sunday.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
A deal that looks sweet on Monday could turn sour by Tuesday. Wait until Wednesday or Thursday to make agreements, in romance or business. Friday’s promising possibilities could poop out by Saturday, however. Talk it over with your best friend on Sunday and discover the lesson you’ve learned.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
On Monday ditching work to play isn’t a good idea. A significant topic requires attention on Tuesday. The work’s pouring in from Tuesday through Thursday. Follow your partner’s lead on Friday, but don’t take leave of your senses. Your good judgment’s required all weekend to keep a fun time from becoming a fiasco.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Speak up if you disagree on Monday. Seek what you want on Tuesday, and you’re apt to find it. An expectation is unmet Wednesday. If you keep pushing, it’s possible by Thursday. You may be swamped Friday, but don’t freak. You can always come in to work on Saturday if you must. Don’t work on Sunday, though. You’re too apt to mess things up then.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
Leave dreams of last weekend behind on Monday. Tuesday’s off to a difficult start, but a fabulous idea pops up later. You may have to turn down a child’s request Wednesday, but heed an older relative’s advice to save money. Play wisely Friday. Hide out with your sweetheart on Saturday, but don’t talk too much. Save the serious topics, like finances, until Sunday at the soonest.
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
Don’t bankroll a friend on Monday. Start your new project late Tuesday. You’ll hit a few snags on Wednesday, but by Thursday you should be in the clear. Fix an old problem at home Friday night. If you go out, you’re apt to find a new one. Keep it light on Saturday. Keep trying to get your message across, and by Sunday you should succeed.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Monday begins well, but don’t get reckless. Excesses could lead to a clash with reality on Tuesday. On Wednesday a friend’s idea can be profitable if you follow through on Thursday. Mum’s the word on Friday. Stick to the facts — and not even those unless asked. Let a neighbor steal your heart on Saturday. The best conversation’s at your place on Sunday.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
A beautiful dream leads to a money-making scheme on Monday. Don’t jump the gun Tuesday. Play the ace you’ve been holding on Wednesday. You can win with it then and on Thursday, too. Promised funding may be tardy on Friday, however. Let friends take you out on Saturday. Keep your wallet tucked away on Sunday except for a gift you love giving.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Friends spark your imagination Monday, but don’t get too crazy. On Tuesday and Wednesday study the ideas from all angles before launching your plan or project late Wednesday or Thursday. Don’t flirt on company time this Friday. Visit friends Saturday, but don’t stay too long. Rest on Sunday; you’ll make better choices.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
A pleasant surprise inspires you on Monday. Don’t bet too heavily on it. The action you’ll take could change greatly by Tuesday. Wait till Wednesday or Thursday, and friends help you succeed. A good partner’s good to have, too. Listen and learn from a wise person on Friday. Staying in works better than going out then. Your dreams are bouncing with insights on Saturday, but give them some time to mature. A drive and a private conversation on Sunday help you leave an old worry behind.
Birthdays This Week:
Oct. 30: You could strike it rich, but can you keep your winnings? This isn’t a gamble; it’s a shrewd move. Do the calculations.
Oct. 31: This year you’ll learn through experience. Move cautiously, or the lesson could come the hard way.
Nov. 1: Update old skills and acquire some new ones. The more you learn, the more confident you’ll become.
Nov. 2: Your determination plus practice make your aspirations achievable. Want the home of your dreams? Start planning.
Nov. 3: Your focus is on home and family. A situation that looks impossible is your excuse to make changes.
Nov. 4: Get rid of the stuff you don’t need and replace it with better. Nagging doubts are the ghosts of issues you’ve left hanging.
Nov. 5: Once you’ve got your nest just right, love takes top priority. Devise a plan with your partner.