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Court orders for UAW strike to pause

The Orange County Superior Court issued a temporary restraining order on the UAW 4811 strike across the University of California on June 7.

This restraining order means that the strike must pause until the court comes to a full decision on its legality.

The University of California has claimed that the strike is illegal and repeatedly tried to get the Public Employment Relations Board to stop the strike, but those attempts failed.

“From the beginning, we have stated this strike was illegal and a violation of our contracts’ mutually agreed upon no-strike clauses,” said Melissa Matella, associate vice president for Systemwide Labor Relations for the UC system.

“We are extremely grateful for a pause in this strike so our students can complete their academic studies. The strike would have caused irreversible setbacks to students’ academic achievements and may have stalled critical research projects in the final quarter,” Matella added.

About the Contributor
Carter Castillo
Carter Castillo, News Editor
Second year Comparative Politics Major and passionate student journalist. Proud owner of a 2012 Toyota Prius.
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