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Conduct Code Revisions Enacted by 2012

“The goal is to have the Code ready for full implementation in Fall 2012,” Director of Career Services Center Andy Ceperley and Director of Student Conduct Benjamin White said.

All registered UCSD students, academics and staff received an email from the Office of the Vice Chancellor earlier this week, informing them of the current public input period.

“A draft of the revised Code, an updated presentation schedule, and other related materials are available on the web site. Please provide your feedback on the draft Code either via the web site or directly to the work group’s chair as identified on the site,” Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Penny Rue said in the university-wide email. Any affiliate of the university is encouraged to submit comments regarding the revisions visible in the draft last updated on April 29, 2011.

Consultations are being held throughout this quarter with various university committees and other entities such as the six college councils and the Graduate Student Association. A general forum open to all student organizations is being held Oct. 20.

“Much of the feedback we’ve already received has supported the simplification of how the code is written and the overall student conduct process.” Ceperley and White said.

In comparison to the existing code — last revised on Aug. 29, 2008 — the new draft contains less legal language and unnecessary text. Despite lengthening the introduction and adding a new “definitions” section, the writers shortened the document.

Most sections are seeing minor formatting and phrasing adjustments, but the guidelines for the appeals process is undergoing major changes.

In the established code, the Council of Provosts is designated as a secondary judicial body open only for appeals involving multiple students from more than one jurisdiction. The council would be more prevalent as the sole board of appeals for undergraduate students. Currently, if a sanction is imposed upon a student or student organization, an appeal can be made within seven academic days after the notice is given. Under the new conduct code, the appeal must be made within 10 business days.

“A major goal of the workgroup has been to review best practices from campuses across the country. The workgroup has reviewed and adopted Code provisions from the UC System wide Student Conduct Code, two Model Student Conduct Codes and Codes from the University of Maryland, the University of Florida, Rutgers University, and other public and private institutions.” Ceperley and White said.

The workgroup, chaired by Ceperley, consists of 24 members. Constituents of the committee include a number of UCSD affiliates such as A.S. Council members, Graduate Student Association members and college deans.

In May 2009, Rue charged these representatives with the task of reviewing and improving the Student Conduct Code in hopes of enhancing the campus atmosphere.

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