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Bylaw and Graffiti Referenda: Yes

Bylaw and Graffiti Referenda: Yes


The UCSD A.S. Council is an extremely large student governing body compared to that of other universities, but meetings often last hours, and members have described the ineffectiveness of their positions. The Bylaws Referendum solves these problems to better represent students in council and ensure that representatives are qualified for their positions.

The latest referendum stipulates that the elected Vice President Finances and Resources position become an appointed Financial Controller, ensuring that the person in charge of millions of students’ dollars is skilled and not merely the one with the best-campaigned slate.

Additionally, two International Senators will be added to represent an important group on campus that is largely unrepresented in Council. International students compose 10.8 percent of freshmen students and 12.9 percent of incoming transfer students.

The addition of an Academic Representative Council adds responsibility to the Academic Senator positions and ensures that they are effectively serving the needs of their constituents.

The bylaw changes seek to best represent and serve the student body, the ultimate purpose of student government, and we endorse this referendum.

The Graffiti Art Space Advisory Vote will not change anything tangibly and is not necessarily a deciding vote, but should display students’ need and desire for a space dedicated to artistic expression.

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