Thursday, April 2
10:43 a.m.: Fire
A small brush fire ignited in the Village Building 6 and was extinguished by custodians. Checks OK.
11:26 a.m.: Person Down
A transient was illegally lodging and smoking near Voigt Drive Dip. Field interview administered.
Friday, April 3
11 p.m.: Fraud
Unauthorized charges on the victim’s credit card were reported, with a loss totaling $4,514. Report taken.
12:51 a.m.: Citizen Contact
A subject was playing soccer inside a Village East washroom. Unable to locate.
12 p.m.: Collision
A UC vehicle backed up into a bollard by the Campus Services Complex. Report taken.
Saturday, April 4
7 a.m.: Vandalism
A vehicle’s driver-side window had been smashed, causing $250 worth in damages. Checks OK.
1:04 p.m.: Burglary
A Sixth College Apartment resident heard two suspects enter through a window who then took off running. Report taken.
5:02 pm.: Petty Theft
A non-affiliate in Geisel Library took the victim’s backpack and stole the iPad within, which was later recovered. Closed by adult citation.
10:04 p.m.: Suspicious Vehicle
A group of suspicious males carrying alcohol was reported near Lot P008. One male juvenile was arrested for carrying a concealed dagger and another was arrested for possession of metal knuckles and giving a false ID to police. Closed by juvenile arrest.
Sunday, April 5
6:25 p.m.: Gas Leak
A Home Plate staff member reported an odor of butane coming from the restaurant. Checks OK.
Monday, April 6
10:24 p.m.: Shoplifting
Loss-prevention officers attempted to contact a suspected shoplifter in the bookstore, but the suspect took off, resulting in a loss of $79.45. Report taken.
6 p.m.: Non-injury Collision
A UCSD vehicle accidentally drove off a driveway ledge, causing undercarriage damage. Report taken.
Wednesday, April 8
3:20 p.m.: Disturbance
Report of a patient with suicidal thoughts voluntarily requesting committal and transportation to a hospital for evaluation. Transported to hospital.
Thursday, April 9
11:36 p.m.: Reckless Driving
A vehicle was reportedly speeding and driving too close to other vehicles near the Pangea Parking Structure. Gone on arrival.