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A.S. Council at a Glance

Meeting #12

November 19, 2003

Public Input

Thurgood Marshall College sophomores Danielle Anderson and Kate Lee encouraged council members and the campus community to attend Marshallpalooza! on Nov. 21 from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Marshall Field.

The program includes a talent show, concert, games and UCSD’s first Ferris wheel. The event is free to students.

Items of Immediate Consideration

Item A

After extensive discussion, the A.S. Council did not approve the reallocation of $50 for printing the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance’s ³New Wave of Feminism² program.

The debate focused on a lack of a representative from the FMLA at the council meeting. After a total of seven calls for the question, the council failed the item 2-15-2.


Commissioner of Athletics Jordan Cross

Cross reported that UCSD has been chosen to host the NCAA Division II Women’s Volleyball Pacific Regional Championship from Nov. 20 to Nov. 22.

Student Affirmative Action Committee Representative Daniel Gonzales

Gonzales reported that following meetings with officials in the ethnic studies department, the department will begin to offer classes on civil rights legislation, multiracial studies and Filipino studies as early as spring 2004.

Commissioner of Academic Affairs Todd Tolin

Tolin reported that UCSD is underenrolled due to an unexpected number of students graduating and withdrawing.

Commissioner of Enterprise Operations Jeremy Cogan

Cogan reported that he is continuing discussions with Housing and Dining Services Director Mark Cunningham regarding the possibility of allowing students to use meal points at the Grove Caffe.

Vice President Internal Harish Nandagopal

Nandagopal reported on a student rally at the UC Regent’s Nov. 19 meeting. See page 1 for more details.

Old Business

Item A

The council approved an allocation of $4,000 to the John Muir College Council for the ³Muirstock² event to be held on April 16, 2004. The council approved the allocation by consensus.

Item D

The council approved the reallocation of stipends for the Academic Success Program.

The reallocation reduces total stipends for the program by $1,850.

Items G, O and P

The council postponed indefinitely a resolution in support of the United Food and Commercial Workers Southern California Strike and a resolution in support of Africa’s right to health. The council adopted a resolution in support of the University of California Student Association action agenda items for the academic year. See page 1 for more details.


Earl Warren College Junior Senator Kirsten Bowen

Bowen announced that she is resigning as senator. While she will continue to serve as a finance assistant, Bowen said that her identity has changed and that it’s time for her to find new challenges.

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