Members of the UCSD Student Foundation, A.S. Council representatives, Preuss School students and affiliates of other student organizations gathered at the Preuss School on Friday afternoon for a dedication ceremony in which picnic tables were donated to the charter school.
Preuss School Director Doris Alvarez began with a few words on Change for Change, the five-college competition to raise money for the tables.
Alvarez stressed that students should act on their ideas because only then will those ideas have meaning.
Change for Change raised $7,700 to provide tables to the Preuss School.
Marshall college won the competition.
Alvarez then introduced Ping Yeh, president of the UCSD Student Foundation, who explained to the students in attendance who he represented and, in simple terms, what the mission of the foundation is.
“”We are here to make UCSD better and our community stronger,”” Yeh said.
Arthur Brody, a UCSD trustee, spoke about the Change for Change event and the table donation from the point of view of a donor.
Veronica Radnoty, the president of the Associated Student Body at the Preuss School, spoke next.
Students in the audience stomped their feet to simulate a drum roll while Radnoty pulled a tablecloth off the table that had been put together earlier as an example to the students.
Yeh then read one of the plaques that will be put on the tables: “”From current college scholars to future college scholars.””
Jeremy Howard, ASB advisor at the Preuss School, spoke about student leadership and how the Change for Change program was a very good example of the leadership exhibited.
He then presented the UCSD Student Foundation with a plaque showing the school’s appreciation.
The ceremony was followed by a reception with cake and fruit punch. UCSD and Preuss School students then combined efforts to assemble the 11 tables.
“”The kids were pretty excited about these tables,”” Yeh said. “”They’d never built anything before, but they were very focused and they worked well in a group.””