As spring break came to an end, students were greeted back by signs denouncing the Greek populous at UCSD. Some students have taken to littering the campus with inflammatory paraphernalia with the words “”lame”” and “”geek”” written in pseudo-Greek letters purchased at the General Store. I find it ironic that a campus which takes offense to intolerance in the form of “”Anti-Zionism”” week and through protests supporting the repeal of affirmative action, can sit back and ignore the offensive messages and castigations of UCSD’s largest student organization. I question why this issue of intolerance has received no mention in the Guardian, or why the many accomplishments of the Greek system go unnoticed.
Resentment toward Greeks has stemmed from allegations of elitism and intolerance. This is false and unjustified, with multiple Asian and Latino Greek organizations, a Jewish heritage fraternity, and a higher percentage of black members in the Greek system than in the student population. The Greek system is possibly the most culturally diverse group upon the UCSD campus. Greeks encompass all demographics of the student body and few students can attest to not knowing a member in the Greek system.
Though the Greek system does throw parties, it also participates in numerous philanthropic events and excels in academics and campus life. Greeks have raised nearly $20,000 toward charity and donated tens of thousands of collective man-hours. Recently, Greeks sponsored the EXCEL leadership conference that drew student leaders from across Southern California, yet no mention of this conference with an attendance of 700 people was ever made in the Guardian. Greeks have consistently held significantly higher GPAs than the rest of campus, yet are regarded as buffoons.
Greek parties play a significant role in the social atmosphere of a college that rarely has any event to rally at. It has become a given that students will receive numerous opportunities to meet new faces during the first week of each quarter. It is paradoxical though that when students are enjoying themselves at the expense of Greeks at “”frat”” parties that I never see shirts emblazoned with the “”Geek”” logo.
The UCSD Greek system has played a significant role upon the campus since its inception. Though non-Greeks may not agree with the agenda certain fraternities or sororities may pursue, an insult towards the Greek system as an exclusive and intolerant institution is an exclusive and intolerant act itself. Those on campus supporting the intolerance toward Greeks are belittling fellow students based upon an identifiable trait. This form of intolerance is no different than that which we have seen many times over such as the anti-Semitism which led to the holocaust, and the anti-Catholic sentiments which embroiled this nation in the early 20th century. So, in response to the actions of the General Store and those members of the UCSD community who are supporting the overtly prejudiced views against Greeks, I encourage the campus community to boycott the General Store until the sales of their bigoted goods comes to an end.
— Anupam Shome
Inter-Fraternity Council VP Administration
Member of Pi Kappa Alpha