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Lights and Sirens: 3/8/15

Monday, Feb. 23

12:25 p.m.: Medical Aid

An adult female had a seizure in the Biomedical Sciences Building. Transported to hospital.

3:58 p.m.: Citizen Contact

Disturbing posters were found around Price Center. Posters removed.

Tuesday, Feb. 24

1:52 a.m.: Medical Aid

A young adult male accidentally took more than his prescribed dose of medication in the Sixth College Apartments. Transported to hospital.

Wednesday, Feb. 25

1:28 a.m.: Suicide Attempt

A female subject made suicidal threats after arguing with her boyfriend. Transported to hospital for evaluation.

8:50 p.m.: Injury

A passerby saw an elderly male fall and hit his head near the Pangea Parking Structure, although the male did not want medical aid. Gone on arrival.

Thursday, Feb. 26

9:39 p.m.: Disturbance

Faculty members were reportedly fighting while intoxicated at the Loft. Closed by adult arrest.

Friday, Feb. 27

12:09 a.m.: Medical Aid

A young adult female had an anxiety attack in the Revelle Apartments. Transported to hospital.

1:27 a.m.: Information

A female was reportedly screaming in a passing truck. Unable to locate.

4:34 p.m.: Injury

A young adult male lost consciousness and fell off his skateboard, suffering facial injuries. Transported to hospital.

Saturday, Feb. 28

1:27 a.m.: Disturbance

Eight citations were issued in the Matthews Apartments for underage alcohol consumption. Closed by adult citations.

2:27 p.m.: Fire

A Metropolitan Transit System bus caught on fire, though all passengers evacuated safely. Information only.

Sunday, March 1

3:09 a.m.: Alcohol Contact

An RSO located a young adult male passed out and unresponsive inside a Village East suite. Transported to hospital.

11:26 a.m.: Escapee

San Diego Police brought a young adult male to the Scripps Memorial Hospital for ingesting narcotics, who fled when the officers left. Unable to locate.

Monday, March 2

8:08 a.m.: Hazard Situation

A delivery truck broke down and was blocking Scholars Drive North. Information only.

8:29 p.m.: Injury

A young adult male possibly dislocated his elbow in RIMAC. Transported to hospital.

Tuesday, March 3

4:14 p.m.: Disturbance

A student at UNEX B was yelling and being disruptive while demanding to see a dean. Checks OK.


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