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Penny Rue Visits Council, Muir College Tries to Save CLICS

These larger-than-life council members I’ve been hearing about turned out to be very human after all. Case in point: They have birthdays, just like the rest of us! The council sang “Happy Birthday” not once but twice, and baked goods were plentiful in the forum this Wednesday. So much for the formal, gloomy atmosphere I was expecting.

Public input began with Athletics, Recreation, and Sports Facilities Advisory Board Anish Bhayani undergraduate representative announcing the board has approved a sports facility budget for the 2011-12 school year.

Triton TV Station Manager Thomas Dadourian showed a video produced by the studio and talked about the benefits of the Triton TV internship program. The video, a medley of dramatic music and unexplained clips from TTV productions, was inspirational, yet inexplicable.

Associate Vice President of Student Advocacy Arohi Sharma proclaimed the Sun God Festival a success for A.S. tabling, after which Vice President of External Affairs Samer Naji announced that the new California budget is bad news for the UC system, and that there will be at least  $500 million in cuts from the budget next year.

Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Penny Rue then spent 15 minutes discussing the budget cuts, after which council members spent 15 minutes asking questions. Naji asked Rue where the money used to hire a new Equity, Diversity and Inclusion chancellor was coming from, to which Rue responded that it was coming from the Chancellor’s discretionary fund. Sixth College Senator Cody Marshall questioned her about the recent firing of a Diversity Development Officer, and Rue responded that she would not comment on personnel matters. Associate Vice President of Student Organizations Carli Thomas then asked what Rue’s favorite Sun God act was. Answer:  Second to None in the Midway Tent.

Campuswide Senator Karen Liang announced that the first senate meeting of the new council was on Wednesday, and that one-on-one senate project meetings began this week.

Associate Vice President of Concerts and Events Brian Wong announced that Sun God did not go over budget and reminded the council that there would be more upcoming events, such as the Senior Send-off Bear Garden at RIMAC Arena with a karaoke band.

Muir Senator Elizabeth Garcia spoke about the Muir College Council’s task force to save CLICS, and relayed MCC’s hopes that they could get two A.S. Council representatives to support them.

President Alyssa Wing announced that the board was looking for comments about the new Student Code of Conduct booklet, and that although UCSD would not be in Division I for the next period, the council would continue to work toward that goal. She also announced that next year’s Welcome Week will collaborate with Target to have the company open its store exclusively for UCSD students.

Associate Vice President of College Affairs Leonard Bobbitt gave a 15-minute presentation on election bylaws, emphasizing the need to revise poorly written, repetitive bylaws before mid-fall quarter in order to prepare for election season, after which he gave a pop quiz with cookies for prizes. Those, and birthday cupcakes, ended the meeting early and sweetly.

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