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Council Impeaches Senator After First Failed Attempt

“For a while, I was not even aware that there was a second senator,” Co-chair of Marshall Student Committee Chelsea Herrmann said. “My voice is not being heard, and that shows a lack of concern for her constituents.”

Attendance issues are not just about following rules, according to Vice-chair of Marshall Student Committee Prianna Nelson.

“Even as a highly-involved student in the Marshall Committee, my voice is only heard through my senators. The purpose of a senator is to represent our voice,” she said. “I find it inexcusable to ignore the rules you put in place.”

After two special presentations, Associate Vice President of Student Organizations Lynne Swerhone needed to leave the meeting. On her way out, she was nearly tackled by Vice President of Student Life Meredith Madnick and a bright blue glittery sash.

“I know she needs to go, but I wanted to make sure she was recognized by council as the Council Member of the Week before she left,” Madnick said. “I’m sure she appreciates the recognition… and the harassment.”

Vice President of External Affairs Samer Naji was pleased with the protest on Nov. 9 against tuition increases.

“We had our voices heard and let them know we are not okay with tuition increases,” he said. Indeed, everyone trying to study in Center Hall heard protesters’ voices.
A.S. President Alyssa Wing went on a recruitment campaign for councilmembers to star in A.S. Council commercials for Triton TV.

“I know we have some Hollywood stars in here, so please sign up,” Wing encouraged. Are you ready for your close-ups, ladies and gentlemen?”

Engineering Senator Parminder Sandhu put forth an apparently controversial budget for the new engineering event “Engineering-on-a-stick.” This event will feature free hotdogs on a stick and cheese on a stick catered by Hot Dog on a Stick.

While it is an event centered on engineers, it will be open to all students, and Sandhu has even planned advertising.

“You are going to love this flier,” he said.

However, many councilmembers were disappointed in the event’s lack of planning.

“I like this event and it has a lot of potential, but we need to add more substance, if I’m going to be frank,” Wing said. I’m sure the pun was intended.

In the end, the budget was passed. We are all anxiously awaiting the unveiling of the event’s flier.

Since the Campus Affairs Committee did not pass the motion to excuse one of Perez’s absences, the meeting was then closed to revisit her impeachment. This time, the impeachment passed with a vote of 26-4-1.

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