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UC Transfer Admits on the Rise

The University of California admitted 13,134 students transferring from community and junior colleges for fall of 2001, according to findings released Thursday by the UC Office of the President.

Transfer student admissions increased 8.5 percent from last year.

Many students are from underrepresented minority groups who are using the California Community College system as a bridge to higher education.

“”This is the largest number ever of community college students that we have admitted in the fall to the University of California,”” said UC Associate Vice President of Student Academic Services Dennis Galligani. “”This helps us a great deal in moving toward our goal.””

UCSD admitted 3,975 transfer students, second only to UC Santa Barbara, which admitted just over 4,000.

The UC system experienced a 9.1 percent increase in underrepresented minority students who were admitted from community colleges. This group of students comprises blacks, American Indians and Chicano and Latino students.

At UCSD, 62 blacks, 33 American Indians and 502 Chicano and Latino students were admitted. These groups represent 15 percent of all UCSD transfers. That is 25 percent more than last year, and 75 percent more than 1997, when 340 were admitted.

Out of all the UC schools, only Los Angeles, Irvine and Santa Barbara admitted more underrepresented minorities.

Asian-American transfers were up 22 percent at UCSD, which admitted 1,151. The number of white transfer students to UCSD increased 12 percent from last year; 1,143 were admitted.

“”Increasing student access to UC through the transfer route is one of the university’s highest priorities,”” said UC President Richard Atkinson. “”These admissions results demonstrate that, working closely with the community colleges, we are making good progress.””

Much of the goal of intensifying minority representation on campus was outlined in 1997 in a “”memorandum of understanding”” between the UC system and California community colleges.

Minority admissions have increased every year since 1997. The UC Office of the President attributes the increase to a strengthened relationship between the University of California’s nine campuses and the 108 campuses of the California Community College system.

Guaranteed transfer admission agreements for those who meet GPA and coursework requirements, in addition to increased outreach programs, helped increase the number of students who are able to successfully transfer.

“”Overall, the outreach strategy has been to create vertical integration between K through 12, community colleges and the University of California,”” said Interim Vice President of Educational Outreach Manuel Gomez.

Gomez also noted that programs such as the Summer Readiness Program, which acclimates transfer students to full-time college life, take this integration a step further to assist transfer students.

Vice Chancellor of California Community Colleges Christopher Cabaldon said community colleges have worked hard to create an environment that steers their students on a UC track.

Community colleges have “”positively changed students’ expectations of the health and viability of the transfer process,”” Cabaldon said.

According to Cabaldon, there are still three challenges that plague the transfer process. He said colleges need to make students more aware of the possibility of transferring to a UC school.

Cabadon also said that the transfer process should not be made confusing or tedious, and students need to be assured that if they follow the procedures of transferring, they will succeed in working toward a degree.

Assist, a Web site that helps community college students plan transfers with ease, is helping many students, according to the Office of the President. The Web site can be accessed at

Increased personal contact between representatives of UC campuses and community college students is also keeping transfer students informed. During the last academic year, UC representatives visited the community colleges in California more than 3,400 times.

UC officials are pleased with the transfer program, especially with the program’s success in getting underrepresented minorities on UC campuses. They would like to see a 6 percent increase every year, as outlined in their “”partnership agreement”” with Gov. Gray Davis.

Galligani stressed that admissions numbers will improve if the UC Board of Regents approves Atkinson’s dual admission proposal, which would place students on a guaranteed track from high school to UC school admission if they meet certain requirements.

“”If the regents approve dual admissions this summer, along with the kinds of increases last year and this year, we will reach our long-term goal,”” Galligani said.

Chancellor of the California Community Colleges Thomas J. Nussbaum agreed.

“”A large increase in the number of admits is essential if we’re to achieve our ultimate goal of increasing the number of transfers who actually enroll,”” Nussbaum said.

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