A.S. Council was also very pleased to have special guest Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Penny Rue speak to them.
“You have set yourself apart from other students by your willingness to serve fellow students and sitting in on sometimes achingly long meetings,” Rue said. “I want you to think about your hopes and aspirations for this year.
When you get to the end of next spring, what do you want to be known for?”
Yes, what do you want to be remembered for, council? No pressure. It’s only your legacy.
“Working with you is one of the highlights of my job,” Rue said. “I’m delighted to look for individual opportunities to help you achieve your goals.”
Council addressed Rue with the conflict Hullabaloo had with Marshallpalooza. This conflict caused Marshallpalooza to move from Friday of week eight to Thursday.
“People like their traditions, but students enjoy things like the Unolympics and Spirit Night that remind you that you’re a part of something bigger than yourself,” Rue said. “You’re going to come back in 10 years and think, ‘Holy Moses, I had a part in making [Hullabaloo] happen.’”
The Afghan Student Organization addressed the council with its request for $33,029 for their American Medical Overseas Relief fundraising event. It will be a comedy show on Friday, Dec. 3 starting at 6 p.m.
“[AMOR thinks it is] important to make sure that it is not just Americans running a hospital, but that they are teaching Afghans how to do it themselves,” Co-President of the Afghan Student Organization Nilofer Hamed said.
A.S. Council passed the budget at $14,794, since the council can only pass half of external contracts.
This was followed by a special presentation from the Student Conduct Code committee. The new conduct code has officially entered public input.
Eventually we finally made it to my favorite segment.
“I have been receiving input that Council Member of the Week needs a little more excitement,” Vice President of Student Life Meredith Madnick said, to my utmost excitement. “So I have added a runway component, where the new Council Member of the Week will need to strut their stuff while I explain why they are being awarded.”
Let me say I was delighted to watch Vice President of Finances and Resources Kevin Hoang do the catwalk, strutting and turning while wearing the infamous bright blue, glittery sash we all adore. Work it, Hoang, work it.
Council finally announced the appointment of Freshman Senators Shahrzad Gustafson, Vincent Honrubia and Andrew Clark as well as Transfer Senators Steven Kim and Diana Lee. Congrats, kiddos.