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A.S. Introduces Glittery Sash and Discusses Week One Progress

Sixth College Senior and previous Sixth College Senator John Condello approached A.S. Council, disappointed in a recent A.S. event held at Target. He pointed out that Target is a company that does not allow labor unions and has a terrible environmental history.

“You all are a symbol of UCSD and you need to act that way,” Condello said.

However, A.S. Council has already had some success. A.S. Vice President of Student Life Meredith Madnick was excited to announce that over 200 students have already been signed up for A.S. Safe Rides.

A.S. President Alyssa Wing announced that the Save Our Libraries campaign has resulted in even more student workrooms and computers once Geisel renovations have completed than there were even before CLICS was closed.

The entire A.S. Council board is excited about their recent changes to the website, including a live feed of the A.S. meetings available to the public online, just in case anyone is interested enough to watch but not attend the meeting.

Council has also created an all-important new policy of announcing Council Member of the Week, where one A.S. Council member will be donned with a bright blue, glittery sash to wear during the meeting to be passed on at the next. The first ever recipient of this prestigious title is Revelle College Senator Caesar Feng.

“Caesar, during all of Welcome Week, was such a rock star,” Madnick said.

Even though it’s only week one, A.S. Council is already foreseeing challenges they will face this year.

An insurance issue has arisen between the UCSD and student organizations. Now, UCSD is requiring that anyone involved in any on-campus event, even if they are buying Korean BBQ on Library Walk, will be required to sign a waiver. The A.S. Council is charged with making this somehow possible. A.S. Vice President of External Affairs Samer Naji has also informed the council that UC is planning on raising tuition yet again this year.

“Be prepared to fight that when it comes,” he said.

In an attempt to open up communication between students and A.S. Campus-wide Senator Carlos Molina has started an experiment project, in which a white board will be placed on Library Walk where students can write notes directly to A.S. Council regarding what they think about A.S. Council and what A.S. Council should do.

A.S. Associate Vice President of Student Advocacy Bryce Farrington put together a presentation about the revised student conduct code. Changes include certain definitions, jurisdictions and sanctions. Additionally, student advocates are not mentioned at all.

A.S. Council fiercely debated funding a Day of the Dead event for UCSD’s Latin American Student Organization discussing the role of skull candies and deciding if they were to be considered decoration or food. Tough call A.S., tough call.

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