This week’s meeting began with yet another council walk-off competition for sorority philanthropy. Looks like it’s becoming a fixture at meeting. Warren College Senator Kevin Hoang won the competition and will now be featured in Alpha Chi Omega’s Mr. Alpha Chi Omega male beauty pageant.
University Centers Advisory Board student member Nicole Metildi gave a presentation in favor of a University Centers $5 fee increase, which adjusts for the annual consumer price index. Metildi said UCAB reserves will be depleted to nothing if no action is taken.
AVP of Student Organizations Carli Thomas is working on a forum for student organization visibility during the Sun God Festival.
Muir College Senator Lynne Swerhone asked councilmembers to join the SHIP committee. She also mentioned that Muir is holding a Superbowl Sunday event in the Middle of Muir this Sunday, Feb. 6.
All-Campus Transfer Association President Adam Powers announced that a Valentine’s Day Dance will take place at the Village on Feb. 11.
Sixth College Senator Parminder Sandhu announced that UCSD is the second-most applied-to UC campus.
Freshman Senator Baldeep Dhaliwal said she and her colleagues will hold office hours from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. this Friday at Pines. Freshman senators are also planning a freshman dance for next quarter.
AVP of Concerts and Events Brian Wong said the Winter Triton Festival has been postponed due to a scheduling conflict.
Campuswide Senator Victor Flores-Osorio announced the all-campus dodgeball game will be on April 19 from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. at Main Gym.
President Wafa Ben Hassine announced that the New York Times will be delivered to UCSD for free for a six-week trial. The Office of the President will then decide whether to keep the newspaper free based on how many issues are picked up. Ben Hassine also said that Executive Director of Housing and Dining Mark Cunningham was very open to the idea of removing water bottle from the dining halls.
AVP of Athletic Relations Pauline Nuth encouraged councilmembers to attend Sprit Week events this week, including men’s and women’s basketball games at RIMAC Arena tonight. Before the men’s game, there will be a tailgate serving free Chick Fil A and Subway at 7 p.m.. Friday night is the first official conference game for UCSD’s baseball team at 6 p.m. Feb. 5 is Spirit Night, where doors open at 4:30 p.m. Free prizes and candy will be given out.
Campuswide Senator Michael Raimondi said there will be a Greek Housing meeting at 6:30 p.m. tonight in the A.S. offices.
Muir College Senator Ryan O’Rear introduced council’s new Panhellenic Representive: Jillian Wolter.
Metildi’s presentation on the University Centers fee increase took precedence last night. Councilmembers needed to give UCAB an extra 10 minutes to speak, mostly due to multiple concerns about how the fee increase would affect the students.