UCSD to Recommence Open House
After several years on hiatus, UCSD will again hold Open House next year, and invite the community to visit the campus. The open house will occur Saturday, Oct. 20, 2001 in conjunction with homecoming activities.
Mark Cunningham of Housing and Dining Services, Judy Lane of Special Events and Protocol, and Yolanda Leyva of Student Affairs are co-chairs of Open House.
The open house marks the completion of UCSD’s 40th anniversary celebration, which has so far given UCSD the opportunity to celebrate its academic achievements and increase interaction with K-12 schools in the community.
Open House is aimed to “”highlight the new collaborative academic initiatives that are integral to our strategic growth.””
UCSD Librarian Honored by American Library Association
The American Library Association honored Brian E. C. Schottlaender, university librarian at UCSD, for outstanding professional achievement in cataloging.
The 2001 Margaret Mann Citation from the Cataloging and Classification Section of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services was presented to Schottlaender June 18 at the annual ALA conference in San Francisco.
The award also includes a $2,000 scholarship, which will be donated by Online Computer Library Center, Inc. to a library school of Schottlaender’s choice. He chose the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University, where he received his master’s degree in library science.
Schottlaender is the ALA’s representative to the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of Anglo-American Cataloging Rules. He is on the editorial and review boards of the Journal of Internet Cataloging and the National Endowment for the Humanities Division of Preservation and Access. He has served as the chair of the Policy Committee of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging.
UC to Require Mandatory Health Insurance in Fall
Beginning fall quarter 2001, the University of California will require as a condition of enrollment that all students have a major medical health insurance plan, because Student Health Services cannot substitute for health insurance.
If students are not covered by a comprehensive health insurance plan, they will be immediately enrolled in the Undergraduate Student Health Insurance Plan, which will cost $163 a quarter and will be automatically assessed with quarter fees.
Students with adequate health insurance may waive themselves of USHIP by demonstrating proof of comparable coverage. The waiver process will be available online this summer at http://studentlink.ucsd.edu.
SHS will remain available on campus to serve students’ outpatient needs free of charge, as it is funded by registration fees.
UCSD Researcher Wins Michael J. Fox Foundation Grant
UCSD professor of neurosciences and pathology Eliezer Masliah received a $100,000 grant from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research.
The award, one of 15 given, is awarded to researchers seeking a cure for the neurological disorder that affects 1.5 million Americans.
In 1991, Masliah’s lab identified and cloned human alpha-synuclein, a protein centrally involved in Parkinson’s disease. A-synuclein is a major component of Lewy bodies, which are dense masses of proteins found in Parkinson’s cells.
Recently, Masliah’s lab identified a similar protein to a-synuclein that blocks the development of Lewy bodies. This naturally occurring protein, now called beta-synuclein, untangles protein masses formed by a-synuclein in test tubes and in studies done on mice.
Masliah plans to continue studies on mice and develop a chemical compound similar to the naturally occurring b-synuclein.