January 13th
Parking Spaces Created for Winter Quarter
By Vincent Gragnani
In order to accommodate student needs, Transportation and Parking Services recently opened 729 parking spaces by Voigt Drive on the east side of Interstate 5.
Director of Parking and Transportation Services Greg Snee said the new lot on the east campus provides enough spaces for students.
“”With the opening of the second phase of the Regents lot, we should have overly sufficient parking for the rest of the academic year,”” Snee said.
January 18th
Muir College Suitcase Dance Awards Trip for Two
By Jane Kim
Nearly 100 Muir students packed their suitcases and headed to the Suitcase Dance at Sierra Summit on Friday night. The main attraction of the night was an all-expenses paid trip for two Muir College students to an undisclosed destination for the three-day weekend.
“”Usually, a dance is just a dance. But this one kind of has a slight twist to it,”” said Muir Sophomore Senator Shige Itoh, who chaired the Suitcase Dance Committee. “”People are supposed to come with a bag packed for any weather, and we’re trading their bag for a raffle ticket.”” The twist was that the winner and a guest had to be ready to leave on the spot.
The predetermined destination, Chicago, was kept secret until the winner was announced. The trip for two included hotel accommodations, airfare, transportation to the airport in a black stretch limousine, $200 in spending money and beanie-style hats. Other prizes included gift certificates and Muir Musical tickets.
Freshman Sierra Fisk was the lucky winner.
January 20th
Edwards Named Athletic Director
By Robert Fulton
The UCSD athletic department announced yesterday that Earl Edwards has been named the new Athletic Director, effective March 1.
Edwards will succeed Judith M. Sweet, who resigned after 24 years to resume a teaching position within the university.
“”We had a searching process with a committee,”” explained Joseph Watson, UCSD’s vice chancellor of student affairs, who made the final decision of who would fill the empty spot. “”They made some recommendations. I think that Mr. Edwards would be a good selection.””
Edwards served as UCSD’s associate athletic director from 1987-1993. While previously serving UCSD, he initiated the Triton Athlete Associates, the athletic department’s primary fundraising source. He also served on numerous campus committees, supervised six intercollegiate sports and served as acting athletic director in the absence of the athletic director.
For the past seven years, Edwards has served as director of athletics at East Stroudsburg University in East Stroudsburg, Penn.
January 27th
Revelle Students Protest RCC
By Scott Dobroski
The Revelle College Council had an unusual influx of visitors at its weekly Tuesday meeting when dozens of students participated in a sit-in — organized and led by RCC Publicity, Media and Campus Relations Director Kris Erickson — in protest of the way the RCC is run.
The RCC is the governing body of Revelle College and all of Revelle’s standing committees.
Erickson said his goal in organizing the peaceful demonstration was to show the RCC that institutional changes in the framework of the council are both desired and needed.
January 31st
Angelou Accepts Offer to Speak
By Matt Schrader
After almost two months of debate and uncertainty, Maya Angelou accepted UCSD’s offer to speak at this year’s all-campus commencement, to be held June 12.
“”In a world with only a few household names, Maya Angelou has become one,”” said Vice Chancellor Jim Langley. “”She is one of the most important voices in not only world literature, but also in modern thinking.””
A.S. President Tesh Khullar, who headed the search for a graduation speaker along with A.S. Programmer Scott Mantell, said he is pleased with Angelou’s commitment and that he expects students to respond positively to her speech.
“”I am beyond happy right now,”” Khullar said. “”In my opinion, this is one of the most important things that the A.S. has done all year.””
February 7th
Athletes Given Priority Registration
By Robert Fulton
For the first time, athletes at UCSD will be granted priority registration, according to Richard Backer, assistant vice chancellor of enrollment management, and registrar.
Starting fall of 2000, athletes will be at the top of the list as far as the rush for classes is concerned.
Acting Athletic Director Regina Sullivan said the decision will allow athletes to have more uniform practice sessions and studying hours.
ResNet Blocks Access to Napster
By Vincent Gragnani
UCSD Residential Networking blocked access last weekend to Napster, a software program that allows people to share mp3 files. ResNet officials said use of the software was slowing campus Internet traffic.
ResNet Coordinator Erik Strahm said the measure is only temporary.
Napster is a client software that not only provides people with a way of searching for and downloading mp3 files, but also makes the mp3 files on the host machine available for downloading.
In a letter sent out to all ResNet subscribers, ResNet officials stated that they saw the use of Napster increase at an incredible rate over the last six months.
The letter stated that last weekend, Napster uploads and downloads saturated the campus Internet connection, slowing all campus Internet traffic and impairing the vital functions of the network, such as education and research.
February 10th
Women’s Basketball Sets School Record
By Robert Fulton
Words fail to appropriately convey the all-out dominance of the UCSD women’s basketball game against La Sierra University at home on Tuesday night.
“”Blow-out,”” “”laughter”” and “”demolish”” come to mind to describe what loosely could be called a contest, but these words all fall short of describing what really happened.
How about 103-19?
That’s right, the Triton women’s basketball team downed the Golden Eagles of La Sierra 103-19 in front of a pleased but shocked home crowd.
The winning margin of 84 points (84!) is the largest in Triton history, eclipsing the previous mark set in 1987 as the Tritons blew out Mills College 100-19.
February 14th
TeSS Gets the Axe for StudentLink
By Vincent Gragnani
Beginning this fall, students will no longer be able to register for classes using the university’s telephone enrollment system and will instead have to use StudentLink. The change will save the university $28,000.
“”We are planning on dropping [telephone registration] as of Sept. 1 and asking students to use the Web specifically,”” said Richard Backer, associate vice chancellor of enrollment management, and registrar.
Backer said he made the decision in consultation with students and administrators after seeing the increasing popularity of students registering for classes over the Web.
March 6th
Michael Campaign Stirs Controversy
By Parisa Baharian
Michael Carley, a Warren senior, gave his personal testimony regarding his faith in Christianity Friday at noon at the Price Center. Carley is the student at the center of the weeklong “”I agree with Michael”” campaign that caused controversy among students.
The campaign is sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ in cooperation with several student-run Christian organizations. Supporters say that its aim is to spread the Christian message of living a life according to the Word in order to be saved.
Campaign participants wore blue “”I agree with Michael”” shirts and manned tables throughout campus to support their cause. The campaign stirred disagreement among students.
April 17th
Independent Slate Dominates Election
By Matt Schrader
The decrease in student voter participation in last week’s A.S. Council elections did not alter the rejoicing and cheers last Thursday of Independent slate members, who took victory in all but one of the nine A.S. campuswide positions.
“”I think my reaction after they announced it spells it all,”” A.S. President-elect Doc Khaleghi said. “”It is very exciting to know that I had the support of undergraduates. What is about to come can seem overwhelming, but I am looking forward to it.””
Khaleghi, the founder of the Independent slate, defeated fellow candidates Scott Mantell, Ali Yazdi, Derrick Yee and Tariq Parwani.
Men’s Volleyball Wins National Championship
By Bill Burger
Prospects did not look good for the UCSD men’s volleyball team heading into this season. The team had lost three of its top players from the previous year, and a new coach, its third in three years, was taking the helm. These changes, combined with two straight years of missing the National Championship Tournament, made this look like a rebuilding year for the Tritons.
Looks can be very deceiving.
This season saw the Tritons go undefeated in Division III play and earn their first Mountain Pacific Sports Federation win in two years. It also saw them return to the National Championship Tournament, a tournament that won this weekend with two three-game wins in Hoboken, N.J.
April 27th
A.S. Executive Council Escapes Impeachment
The A.S. Council fell two votes short of impeaching A.S. President Tesh Khullar, Vice President Internal Jennifer Lee and Vice President Finance Eric Rovner after a special A.S. committee requested that the three executives resign for falsifying receipts that were reimbursed with student funds.
Khullar, Lee and Rovner were investigated by the committee after attending a New York City leadership conference in March. After three interview sessions with the conference attendants, the committee found that the executives falsified receipts upon their return from New York.
May 18th
All-Campus Commencement Canceled
By Vincent Gragnani
Chancellor Dynes canceled this year’s all-campus commencement Tuesday after Maya Angelou said she would be unable speak at graduation.
Angelou told UCSD officials earlier this week she will have double knee surgery June 13 and that she regretted having to cancel the commencement address, which was scheduled to be held June 17.
Chancellor Dynes said he considered the possibility of securing another speaker but concluded that not enough time remained.
May 22nd
Electra Kicks Off Sun God Festivities on ‘The Gleib Show’
By Matt Schrader
Carmen Electra was the guest star of “”The Gleib Show”” Thursday night when Ben Gleiberman hosted his last episode at the Price Center Plaza at 8 p.m. to kick off the Sun God 2000 festivities.
“”I thought it was really good,”” said Marshall freshman Brain Capanna. “”Going in, I didn’t expect it was going to be this way.””
September 19th
New Parking Structure Opens
By Vincent Gragnani
The new Gilman Parking Structure, which contains 858 parking spaces, opened Monday at 7 a.m. after a year of construction.
The opening, however, does not necessarily mean relief for students looking for more convenient parking. Greg Snee, director of Parking and Transportation Services, said that due to the closing of the north parking lots, there are now fewer student spaces than there were in spring.
Triton Sports Moves into
Division II
By Robert Fulton
Good-bye to the small schools and the easy wins. Hello to a whole new world.
UCSD’s athletics program is venturing into uncharted territory with its move to Division II competition.
The Tritons previously played their games in Division III, winning numerous championships. Now, with a higher level of play, the competition will be tougher.
“”Primarily, it’s the right thing for us to do right now with the growth of the institution,”” UCSD Director of Athletics Earl Edwards said. “”We’re at 19,000 and prepared to go to 30,000 in the next few years. That’s a much larger student population than most Division III schools have.””
October 12th
Ribbon Cut for UCSD’s New Undergraduate Libary
Hailed as the first University of California library of the 21st century, the newly remodeled undergraduate library, CLICS, held its ribbon-cutting ceremony on Wednesday at Galbraith Hall near the Revelle Plaza.
October 30th
Chancellor’s 5K Run Raises Money for Scholarships
By Lara Moscrip
Over 1,000 students, staff, faculty and alumni braved the damp and the drizzle Friday afternoon to try to raise undergraduate scholarship money and defeat Chancellor Robert Dynes on the course of the fifth annual Chancellor’s 5K.
Dynes kicked off the race by announcing “”Let’s go do it,”” and participants flocked to the starting point at RIMAC field. Corporate and individual sponsors helped to raise funds for undergraduate scholarships. Dynes and professor Frances Dynes-Hellman donated $25 for every person who beat Dynes and for every woman who passed Dynes-Hellman. The event raised approximately $178,000, an increase from last year’s total of $158,000.
December 2nd
Women’s Soccer Wins National Championship
The UCSD women’s soccer team stormed onto the Division II scene and not only took the tough CCAA conference, but went on to capture the national championship as well.
This win came one year after the team captured the Division III championship.