Vincent Gragnani, Editor in Chief
Bill Burger, Managing Editor
Jeffrey White, Copy Editor
Tom Vu, Opinion Editor
Lauren I. Coartney, News Editor
Robert Fulton, Sports Editor
David Pilz, Photo Editor
In the past several weeks, most polls have written off the idea of Gov. George W. Bush winning California. Vice President Al Gore had, for most of the campaign season, held a substantial lead over Bush in this state, even with Ralph Nader contending. Recently, however, under the barrage of television ads, the lead that Gore had once taken for granted has now dwindled. Gore, on the other hand, “”has yet to spend a dime on ads here,”” as the Wall Street Journal states. By swiping California from under Gore’s nose, Bush could rack up 54 Electoral College votes and, with it, the presidential election.
More troubling to Gore are the states north of California. While Gore still leads in the Golden State, Oregan and Washington are considered integral swing states. And he is slowly losing ground there. Thanks to a devious television blitz by Bush supporterssome polls even show the Vice President losing these important states.
The Guardian cannot help but to congratulate Bush and his supporters for their tactful, if a bit Machiavellian, campaign strategies. Bush has continued to show his resilience in California, and it has paid off. Just yesterday, Bush and John McCain were in Fresno and Burbank campaigning. “”There’s going to be a lot of shocked people on Nov. 7, including my opponent … ,”” Bush said yesterday. Perhaps he might be correct.
Gore has only recently decided to visit California. Perhaps this shows his campaign’s inefficiency. Only now, after the prospect of losing California has he decided to come to Los Angeles tomorrow, his first visit to this state in more than six weeks.
There has yet to be a presidential election in recent memory in which the winner has not taken California and its 54 votes, more than any state in the nation. Perhaps now, politicians will begin to take California seriously.
In the much smaller states of Oregon and Washington, the same reality faces Gore. The televison ads the Bush supporters are running do not mention the name “”Bush”” at all. Rather, the ads are endorsements for Nader. Gore is not leading by a large margin, and the votes that Nader pulls away from him can tip the states to Bush’s favor. And, for the most part, it seems to be working.
Though the Guardian has yet to decide whom to endorse, Bush’s strategies deserve applause.