Millie Root
I begin my final publication with a message from Mr. Hobson, typed nonsensically by four small feet on a laptop keyboard: “$$ /“tmb6 c6 cbhy8c656dmb”
Thank you to my four-legged traveling companion for sparking my journey to The Guardian. A little over two years ago, I took on the joys and burdens of owning a pet in college … let alone a rather unconventional one. Suddenly, I felt I had something newsworthy to bestow upon the world. I knew I needed to publicize this strange and wonderful creature, and where better than The Guardian’s Lifestyle section to circulate a story of such caliber?
It was only after my initiation as a staff writer that the realization hit: for reasons on which I am unable to elaborate, Hobson was destined for a life in the shadows, not the limelight of news print.
Nevertheless, I remained inspired by my hidden muse, and I am proud to have made my journalistic mark. I thank The Guardian and all those involved for providing me a platform to share my ideas with the world (or the greater UCSD area). As I grapple with life after graduation, I will always be grateful for the memories. See ya!